Alexandre Torres


The smallest power in South America. And ready to pick a fight, or maybe three at the same time for the control of the Paraná river and suzerainty of Uruguay.
@Lonecat Nekophrodite Didn't you consider making a proper portrait for your Guarani Militia?
Yes, I'd love to. Do you know someone that can help me with this? I'm quite a limited artist :)
And what class is ht?
Musketman has been reduced to 53. Guarani Rifleman only has 50. My current art is actually a mix of a red coat and a naked warrior.
The Rifleman unit (that is basically the red coat art) has 60 ht and a +5 against Musketman, but it requires rifling tech. I'm still working out the balance here, because of Solano Lopes ability, but the general idea is that they have the worst equipment, fighting with sticks if necessary.
And huh? lumber mills can be built in Rainforest? how??
According to civwiki: " The June 2019 Update allowed Lumber Mill improvements to be built on Rainforest tiles after discovering the Mercantilism civic". I guess they didn't want to incentive people to burn the jungle :)
So making a unit portrait? not so hard but if you asked me to do it for you i've gotta do it my style. unit portraits may not be well confined within circle and I prefer photographing it a full body.

But this unit. Explorer. recon class unit. can be easily finished

View attachment 568489

eh? but what do you think of it?

Did Guarani use its own assets and dependencies? if so you've gotta sent me all of these meow ==^.^==

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Alexandre Torres
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