El Justo
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  • Hi El Justo! I would like to ask if I could post a new version of your classic TCW scenario with updated unit and probably some *.pcx graphics?
    I'm new member but plying AoI since a decade and never get bored.
    Great work! Huge amount of effort in the "Pedia".
    Still, I would kindly like to suggest you two small adjustments:
    Romanian flag should be, starting from the pole, blue-yellow-red
    Romanian infantry images shall be reversed. The pre-war image is, actually, the uniform introduced in 1917.
    We can detail about this if you want.
    Hey El Justo. If you ever need help making some .pcx files or something, let me know.
    I love your scenarios.
    Hey El Justo, I've been playing your AoI scenario for a very long while (since version 3) and I recently got a brand new windows 7 laptop and I downloaded CIV and your scenario but I'm getting an error involving PediaIcons, and ICON_BLDG THEATER.. anyhelp would be great, I really want to play your scenario again. :(
    sorry El Justo, I've been out of the loop for so long, but I can't find your TCW deluxe file ANYWHERE! Did you completely remove it from the scenario database? If so, why? Like I said, sorry if this is old stuff...
    El Justo, I have built a scenario of the Middle East by modifying a large Map then importing the map into your Cold War Scenario. It isn't quite finished but my local friends really enjoy it. With your permission, since I used all of your cold War units. I would like to consider posting it here for others to play. Please advise, I hope you are not offended that I did this. Thanks Chuck Hicks
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