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  • Yeah, I'm not longer a moderator. I need that time for RL, which is very complicated at the moment :/.
    Ciao, potresti provare a disabilitare Cavour dai leader disponibili. Per farlo segui queste istruzioni:
    1) apri con un editor di testo questo file:
    2) vai alla riga che contiene questo testo: "<LeaderName>LEADER_CAVOUR</LeaderName>"
    3) vai alla riga successiva che contiene questo testo:
    4)fai questa modifica:

    Questo dovrebbe disabilitare Cavour.
    Carica il gioco, seleziona l'"Impero Italiano" e buona fortuna!
    Hi, you could try to disable Cavour from the available italian leaders. In order to do this, follow these istructions:
    1) open with a text editor this file:
    2) go to the line containing this text:
    3) go to the following line containing this text:
    4) modify the entry in this way:

    This modification should disable Cavour
    Load the game, choose "Italian Empire" and good luck!
    I'm sorry, I don't know how else I can help you.. Have you verified that the versions of "Varietas Delectat" and "Italian Civilization 4VD" are the latest? For VD the latest is the v.9.2, for Ita4VD is the v.3.0.b.
    Also, you can try to install another civ 4VD. In the screenshot you sent me I see Hungary among selectable civilizations; does it work? I don't see, for example, the Iroquois; you could try to install the "Native America Expanded" modpack, or another civilization 4VD of your choice, and you could see if it/they work(s).
    Mi spiace, non so in quale altro modo aiutarti.. Hai verificato che le versioni di "Varietas Delectat" e di "Italian Civilization 4VD" siano le più recenti? Per VD devi installare la v.9.2, per Ita4VD devi installare la v.3.0.b.
    Un'altra prova che puoi fare è installare un'altra civ 4VD. Nella schermata che mi hai mandato vedo che tra le tue civiltà selezionabili c'è l'Ungheria; funziona? Io non vedo, ad esempio, gli Irochesi; potresti provare ad installare il pacchetto "Native America Expanded", oppure un'altra civiltà 4VD a tua scelta, e verificare se questa/e funziona/no.
    Ciao, forse il gioco va in crash cercando di caricare i leaderheads (qui una schermata). Potresti provare a sovrascrivere la tua cartella \leaderheads\ (in \Varietas Delectat\Assets\Modules\Italy\XML\) con questa, che è quella che io sto usando.

    Buona fortuna!

    Hi, perhaps the games crashes trying to load the leaderheads (here a screenshot). You could try to overwrite your \leaderheads\ folder (in \Varietas Delectat\Assets\Modules\Italy\XML\) with this one, that I am using.

    Good luck!
    Ciao! Scusami se ti rispondo in ritardo. Per cercare di capire il tuo problema ho bisogno di più dettagli: cosa intendi quando dici: «quando clicco sulle italiane nel menù principale»? Puoi inviarmi qualche schermata?

    Hello! I'm sorry to answer to you so late. To try to understand your problem, I need more details: what do you mean when you say: «when I click on "italiane" in the main menu»? Can you send me some screenshots?
    Thank you.
    Ezzel nem igazan segitessz...
    Miert nem akarod hagyni, hogy jobb minosegu LH-k legyenek?
    Kicsit sem erdekel mi a kapcsolat a ket orosz srac kozott
    Hagyd hogy nyugodtan folytassa amit elkezdett
    Hi Nitram,
    I know you contacted me more than a year ago, but I will answer your doubt anyway since I've read it just now.

    The special characters such as "є ▼ α" I pick on the character map of windows (search on that, it's cool), and incredibly this forum accepts those in the forum name (usually they accept only in the nick). Sorry for the late response haha
    The options themself are AFAIK in the .exe.
    But the text for them is in the XML (just saying, because i don't know what you want to do).
    I was wondering! Well, I can see how leaning to program would take up a lot of time. No worries, no hurries, though. In the end it will all work out.
    I did... I'm out of town right now, but I'll do the buttons this week. Also been thinking about the tech tree. I even bought a copy of Civ 3 Gold to see the tech tree for the Conquests Napoleon mod, but it wasn't very useful! :crazyeye: Oh well, it was only $5.
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