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  • Thanks Keath. See the Maintenance thread for an update. Note - please don't use Visitor messages for anything spoiler-ish during the game!
    I'll be building the start files on Friday, with a day as safety margin. So please can you get it to me by Thursday night?
    Hi Alan,
    Now that the start has moved to Sunday, do we have an extra day to get a team name to you?
    Those two are not accepting PMs. I don't know if they would receive a visitor message. I never use this facility - why don't you give it a try?

    Captaincy tips? I don't know of anything specific. I think you've got off to a good start. Maybe look at some of the older SGOTM threads and see how people like Erkon, leif erikson and others handle it?
    Hi Alan,
    Our new team still has a couple of members to report: the Dude Esq and cottagechris. I've said I'd take on the Captain role, but would like everyone's approval. Our name choice will go to a vote and hopefully we'll get it to you sometime today, as requested.

    Do you know of any good threads on a Captain's role? I'm totally new at this but willing to learn.

    Also, you have to click "view conversation" to write back on my wall, not your own...
    Hi Alan,

    civ_king wants to fold with TeamCFC but is having trouble getting the F@H client to install on Snow Leopard. I have done the best I know to help but he says there was a problem with installation and I am out of suggestions. I sent him a PM with the link to the new OSX 10.5+ v6.29.3 installer but he said that wouldn't install either.

    Since you are the resident Mac expert and wrote an install guide perhaps you could send him a PM to help him get it running. :)
    Duplicate entries were possible way back in the mists of time, so you may well find a few old games where the occasional duplicate entry is included. This is obviously one of them. I'm not planning to go back and fix them retrospectively, so I don't recommend that you embark on an intensive research project to discover them, unless you have a morbid curiosity.
    Hi Alan,

    when I searched the COTM archives (we already had a Regent Maya, so it's nice to see where to aim at :) ) I discovered that the results for COTM 39 show scoutsout's COTM submission twice. Both are ranked position 22 and there'S no rank 21. Don't know if anyone cares, I mean it's from 2007, but anyway ...

    @Ronnie1: Please use Private Messages for xOTM game admin issues to avoid spoilers. I have replied in a MP to you.
    Can you please check Gotm submissions and see why I couldn't upload Gotm50? I got an error message that said something like ....XML is missing...
    I've accepted your kind invitation, but I'm not sure what "being friends" means? I hope it doesn't mean I get more spam here!
    @Lachlan: Well done. I suggest you post the files you had to change to make it work. That's better than "hints".

    Have a round of applause :clap: :)
    I discovered that Seasnake's Through the Ages is playable with some modifications on Mac BTS, hints are on stickied thread on the top of Mac forums, i indicated that i made, you could make this into 10 min and play it on Mac BTS 3.19... If i will am mentioned, i would like as the "discoverer"
    I'm not *the* authority! :nono:

    The usual reason for leaderheads getting messed up is if you have anti-aliassing set to a non-zero value in the Graphics Options in Civ4. Make sure it's zero, and then try again.

    I'm not enen *an* authority on mods, so I suggest you ask in the public forum about Final Frontier.
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