Recent content by Aemilius

  1. Aemilius

    How is your EU3 Game going?

    I like you Firenze. MEIOU looks rather fine, I'll have to try it sometime. How much does it affect gameplay?
  2. Aemilius

    How is your EU3 Game going?

    :lol: I didn't notice that. Alright, I admit it's pretty much standard EU III fare, you can carry on. At least there isn't anything like the shudder-inducing Norwegian Crete as of my last Italian game...
  3. Aemilius

    How is your EU3 Game going?

    Disregarding that and Castille, those some remarkably clean borders. Ukraine in the approximate location of Ukraine is especially surprising.
  4. Aemilius


    The first one is as answered; it took some time for me to figure it out too. Regarding the Scramble for Africa, it was indeed pretty unusual. I think it was the Two Sicilies that conquered most of Egypt all the way down to Sudan, hence the Italian territories in that area. France gained and...
  5. Aemilius


    Thanks. My general knowledge concerning North American geography isn't quite as detailed as it could be. And to actually post a screenshot for a change, here's my Scandinavia in 1892. It's not as big as it could be, I know, but I'm still quite proud of beating hyper-industrialised Russia many...
  6. Aemilius


    Or that whatchamacallit province north of Texas, the border looks a bit ugly. @NedimNapoleon: What's up with Genoan Asia? I was under the impression they only had some trading posts on the Crimea, not huge colonial possessions in the Caucasus. :lol:
  7. Aemilius

    Funny/Wierd History Facts

    You could argue that all the way to Napoleon too, with Prussia humiliating France in the Franco-Prussian war (declaration of the Empire in the Versailles and all), and the French and others doing the same in turn to the German Reich after WWI - which explained a lot of German revanchism and...
  8. Aemilius


    That screenshot is full of strange things. How come Italy and Two Sicilies co-exist? Why is Switzerland a Great power? What happened to the UK's SOI?
  9. Aemilius

    Funny/Wierd History Facts

    Not that they're too human-like in their other anatomical details either... BTW concerning the Roman graffiti, another significant group of people who wrote on walls seemed to have been political lobbyers, whose election slogans (and parodies of the aforementioned) have been found on Pompeii...
  10. Aemilius

    Funny/Wierd History Facts

    Certainly. For example, the pikes, and the armour. I have to admit I find the armour thing pretty unbelievable too - but still, I remember reading about it in quite a few places. It's funny how thin the line between modern and pre-industrial warfare actually is. @Vortilex: In fact I don't - I...
  11. Aemilius

    Funny/Wierd History Facts

    Unusual tactics and equipment, such as pike squares and metal body armour, were to be introduced by both sides during the American Civil War. Some examples of inventions that made it to see real action during the War were ones such as Gatling guns and ironclad gunboats. As a side note, the...
  12. Aemilius


    Oh yeah, HoI is what it should have said without that silly typographical error - but anyway, seems pretty interesting; I've been playing Vicky 2 for some time now, and also currently looking into Paradox's other grand strategy titles. Is Hearts of Iron III any good?
  13. Aemilius


    That's quite interesting; are all of those independent countries? If they are, I can spot at least a Basque state and some Russian provinces. BTW, is the game HoF 1?
  14. Aemilius

    Your single favorite leadership trait?

    Philosophical, although Imperialistic comes close.
  15. Aemilius

    When did you start calling shields hammers?

    I usually just call them production, but when I call the something else, I call them shields.
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