Recent content by Ali Zaybak

  1. A

    Ask a doctor

    Sounds like celiac sprue. I dated a girl in college who had it, and she developed it around 16, I think. Usually staying on a strict gluten-free, dairy-free diet will ease the symptoms. Granted, it means you have to be really careful about what you're eating, but, depending on the severity of...
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    Saratov Law Enforcement Rocks! :devil:

    Vlad "The Impaler" Tepes was so confident in his methods of crime deterrence that he placed a golden cup in the central square of Tirgoviste. Anyone could drink from the cup, but anyone who stole it would be punished "appropriately." It was never stolen. Hell, I know I'd think twice before...
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    What will you do with you extra hour today?

    My girlfriend had come over, but had to leave early in the morning. We set the alarm, both forgot about the time change, and woke up an hour earlier than we needed to. It was a good hour.
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    Ask a doctor

    What are the things you like most and least about critical care? What makes you love your job and what really makes you wish you'd decided to go into dermatology instead? I'm curious because I'm on my way to becoming a doctor and I might be interested in pursuing critical care.
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    Old English - please help

    Definitely Middle English, not Old English-- more like Chaucer than Beowulf. All the French influence came in with the Normans, which was 1066, so: Middle English. Anyway... In til a suddane langure fele, Into a sudden languor fell Bath for eld and hevynes Both...
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    Smoking Banana Peels

    You know what they say: with banana peels it's just a slippery slope...
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    Which movie(s) have you viewed lately? - Episode III

    28 Days Later - A zombie flick without many zombies, which is a good thing in my book. Interesting exploration of human interaction when there just aren't too many humans left... Afterlife (Japanese) - After you die, you spend a week in a dilapidated bureaucratic office selecting the one...
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    What if EVERYBODY decided to pursue the carrer they REALLY dreamed of?

    As a transgendered prepubescent grocery-clerk-turned-prime-minister who's never had sex, I'm offended by Mandeville's comment. :p Seriously, though, I think the thread's original question was about what would happen if everyone pursued their dream career, not successfully achieved their dream...
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    Homeschooling should be banned

    That's a fair critique, although I am very much aware of what my parents were required to do. Most of my derisiveness for the scant requirements comes directly from what they said themselves when explaining the process to me. We of course followed all the requirements of ss. 1002.41...
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    Homeschooling should be banned

    I have not taken the time to read every post on the thread, but I feel compelled to respond. Let me explain my situation, and perhaps you'll understand why. So you aren't forced to read it, it's under "spoiler" tags, but I think it explains a lot: Now, that covers my background and should...
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    Ask a Young Earth Creationist.

    Golly, I guess believing in evolution is just as bad as playing Dungeons and Dragons or listening to Rock n' Roll music! Look, if a YEC argues that miracles must be believed on the basis of faith, not empirical scientific evidence, then he must also accept that faith-based belief cannot be...
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    Stupid Design

    Coaxial cables and their attendant wall jacks. Why, why must we slip a tiny, fragile wire into a tiny hole and then fumble around to try screwing one recalcitrant sprocket-whatzit onto another, when said spinning doodads refuse to couple unless perfectly aligned, which positioning is made...
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    The Official Perfection KOs Creationism Thread Part Five: The Revenge of Mike Shermer

    I think that actually makes you an Orthography Nazi, but that actually may just be a subdivision of the Third Grammarreich, so correct me if I'm wrong. Of course, correcting me would make you a Semantics Nazi or a Linguistics Nazi or something, so correct at your own risk.
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    The Official Perfection KOs Creationism Thread Part Five: The Revenge of Mike Shermer

    Only inasmuch as they are more complex than atoms and amino acids. The "purpose" of a bacterium is to find sustenance for its metabolism so that it can reproduce, but these functions can be broken down into discrete chemical processes that need no directing will. Tangentially, this also...
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    To discuss veiws on Creationism

    Here are my two agnostic cents: Unless we take the words of Scripture literally (and that can be the Scripture of any faith), we cannot know for certain whether or not a deity was responsible for creation. Epistemologically speaking, the ways in which people determine truth have changed over...
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