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  • hi, sorry that i writing here, but i do not see button like: massage, email etc....
    question: can you add in your map script: perfectworld (for civ 4) option: teoroidal map ? i mean map when planet is like a ball, no wrap left to right, i do not like those stupid impassable arctic regions/"lines" on south and on north, thank you
    Thanks for the compliments. I made the GNH mod a few years ago, and honestly I don't remember the details. I do not believe the AI can detect this victory condition, as I only made small tweaks to the AI.
    The Happiness mod was a really good idea!
    I usually plays time victory 'cos I think never in history a civilization won ultimately, only for a period, instead, they had golden ages!
    nice job!

    a question... for example, if you allows space race, domination or cultures the ai begins a war if another is next to achieve an objetctive... so they do the same when playing for happiness or in your mod we can verify more detailed gameplay natural changes?
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