Recent content by Cor'e =)

  1. Cor'e =)

    Updated AND 2.1 Mega Civ Pack

    Hopefully neither! Hey, since it's now 3.0 can we start a NEW thread? Pleeease? :thumbsup:
  2. Cor'e =)

    Pillage Routes ?

    @Urza1234, I would absolutely love this type of mod making its way into my games! Yes, i agree that routes should break and/or obviously need to get maintained either by funds or workers over time (they as mentioned start being useless late game), routes have two types of wear: nature & use...
  3. Cor'e =)

    Pillage Routes ?

    The AI does spam cart paths as barbarians, and spams paved roads as nations, or so i've noticed, a pillage route could keep certain areas free of that kind of mess. And, it would be nice to be able to *choose* what gets specifically pillaged when pillaging, is there a mod also for that?
  4. Cor'e =)

    AND2 and SVN Bug Reports - A New Dawn 2 ONLY

    I have a weird game ongoing, any & every Civic is 1 turn or less of Revolution, i've never seen this happen, is there a BUG setting or other setting i may have set or Trait i have to have this quick Civic changing? (Normally it is between 4-8 turns/civic). Also, in this same game, every now &...
  5. Cor'e =)

    AND2 and SVN Bug Reports - A New Dawn 2 ONLY

    My bad wording, edit, you lose the Weaver's Hemp resource when upgrading to Tailor, i guess tailors can't make clothes from Hemp, but Weavers can weave it.
  6. Cor'e =)

    AND2 and SVN Bug Reports - A New Dawn 2 ONLY

    I'm playing a game where for some new reason all civic revolutions are 0-1 turns? The difference between Weaver & Taylor is Hemp, you lose Hemp as a resource on the "upgrade", but you can for some reason just build Weaver again... ? Also, another maceman showing swordman graphics:
  7. Cor'e =)

    AND2 and SVN Bug Reports - A New Dawn 2 ONLY

    Yeah, in Globe view it should be set to "Everything" like Tolni said, check that.
  8. Cor'e =)

    AND2 and SVN Bug Reports - A New Dawn 2 ONLY

    Thank you for that clarification Vokarya, cheers.
  9. Cor'e =)

    AND2 and SVN Bug Reports - A New Dawn 2 ONLY

    I posted a previous "graphic only" for Hills which says you cannot. This link from above pic.
  10. Cor'e =)

    AND2 and SVN Bug Reports - A New Dawn 2 ONLY

    Ok, Great Diplomat emergence points, got it, thank you! There's a Hill link in the Sevopedia page for The Hill of Tara (pic below), which goes to Base Terrains (see previous pic), but there's no Base Terrain link for it shown there (or for Peak links, see pic below), you say it would be hard to...
  11. Cor'e =)

    AND2 and SVN Bug Reports - A New Dawn 2 ONLY

    Hill of Tara cannot be built by Great Diplomat...? Says it needs a Hill in the City vicinity, which it has, but Hills & Mountains seem to have some issues in the Sevopedia as well, they are not there:
  12. Cor'e =)

    AND2 and SVN Bug Reports - A New Dawn 2 ONLY

    Thank you! Is there a Quern?? Where do we change the widths so everything past 999 is not displayed as 1... or truncated like BLDGCLASS_BUILDI... ?
  13. Cor'e =)

    AND2 and SVN Bug Reports - A New Dawn 2 ONLY

    I was trying to find the Building Class for Querns, does it exist? I could not locate it, but i did see some anomalies that may need attention though...
  14. Cor'e =)

    Updated AND 2.1 Mega Civ Pack

    Please, add option to select all, clicking so many may be unnecessarily tedious... imho.
  15. Cor'e =)

    Updated AND 2.1 Mega Civ Pack

    Splitting is cool, i suppose, for those who know exactly which civs they want to play with, but for the sake of simplicity will there just be an "all" choice? I'd really hate to have to download and install a dozen mods just to have them all... of course your mod's updates/fixes could be just...
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