Recent content by Damnyankee

  1. D

    BREAKING NEWS: Venezuela rejects Chavez

    You have got to be kidding me. Mr. Joseph "I :bowdown: the dialectic" Stalin was a capitalist?
  2. D

    BREAKING NEWS: Venezuela rejects Chavez

    It doesn't matter which parties and people benefited under National Socialism, the fact is, Nazi Germany was a very collectivist nation, on par with the Soviet Union. Also, are you insinuating that Hitler was a Capitalist? This is something of the most ignorant I have ever read(to quote you)...
  3. D

    BREAKING NEWS: Venezuela rejects Chavez

    And Goering was the man who oversaw the Nazi's Four-Year Plan. :lol:
  4. D

    BREAKING NEWS: Venezuela rejects Chavez

    To be fair, Capitalism has had it's share of... oh wait Stalin was a Socialist, The Nazi party had a very collectivist, socialistic streak, Mao was a socialist, Saddam was a socialist, etc etc. Capitalism needs to catch up in death toll's!!!
  5. D

    What should be covered in the news?

    ... porn? (10 Char)
  6. D

    Democrat Aide arrested in child sex bust

    Alright, I agree this case is much dirtier, but the Republicans have been much more rife in scandals since the beginning of the millennium.
  7. D

    Democrat Aide arrested in child sex bust

    Mark Foley anyone?
  8. D

    Illegal Immigrants not so much a Burden on US Health Care?

    Grant Amnesty to the illegals here, reform immigration, making the immigration process more streamlined, and still safe. Secure the border to prevent more millions of illegals coming in.
  9. D

    Democrat Aide arrested in child sex bust

    No, Republicans are still in the lead for pure slime. :lol:
  10. D

    How many votes will Obama loose for being black?

    Well, if he got the democratic nomination, I would vote for him. That way, black people will hopefully shut up about being "oppressed" by the white man, lol.
  11. D

    Witness the HUCKABOOM!

    If I had to pick Between Huck, Romney, and Rudy, I would vote for Huck.
  12. D

    Things you admire about things you hate

    The romanticism of National Socialism in the Hitler years.
  13. D

    Schoolteacher arrested, accused of insulting Islam's Prophet

    Times like these make me hate the vast majority of religious people. Its alright to kill people in darfur by the tens of thousands without any outrage by the Muslim north, yet, if you name a teddy bear Mohammad, you will be flogged by popular acclaim. They should flog Bashir, not some teacher.
  14. D

    BREAKING NEWS: Venezuela rejects Chavez

    Hugo Chavez is the Huey Long of Latin America, lol.
  15. D

    BREAKING NEWS: Venezuela rejects Chavez

    He reduced the time per term, key point.
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