Recent content by Danukian

  1. D

    [BTS 3.13] Philippine Civ (MODULAR)

    Well, the balangay might be a good idea, with the replica just launched from Pasay on June 28 to retrace ancient migration - it could make an ancient Caravel, it wasn't used to carry military troops. The vinta is a fishing boat found traditionally only in southern islands, particularly...
  2. D

    [BTS 3.13] Philippine Civ (MODULAR)

    Katipunero are partisans/guerrilla fighters, even though the word means “Society” or “Association”, as they formed from community groups; against both the Spanish and Americans, Katipunero were Riflemen with bonuses like Drill I, City Protection I or First Strike, against the Japanese in WWII...
  3. D

    [BTS] Soviet Union

    I would also like the option of Russia and USSR as two seperate Civs, USSR could be re-named Dzhugashvili or Joseph Stalin to avoid Stalin v Stalin confusion! I also agree with Huayna Capac357 about the collective, though maybe it could add unhappiness...
  4. D

    [BTS Total Mod] Thomas' War

    Here are a few suggestions of Civs I’d like to see: Cornwall (Fishing/Mining) Civ Description: Cornish Empire Short Description: Cornwall Civ Adjective: Cornish Leader: Margh of Cornovii – “The Hound of the Sea” (Strategic / Financial) UU: Cornish Raider (Replaces Spearmen) Add...
  5. D

    Latvia (modular)

    Personally, I would prefer a UU that isn't notable for being less competent than it's contemporaries... The Semgall were fierce warriors known for their fierce raids on Teutonic outposts - as a player, I would rather have a unit that an upgrade, rather than a downgrade.
  6. D

    [BTS Total Mod] Thomas' War

    Good Luck! I really liked what I saw of the mod, but I guess I'll have to wait until the bugs get worked out... oh, well - at least I know it wasn't just me now!
  7. D

    Latvia (modular)

    What about the Semgall for a UU - the 13th Century Latvian warriors - use Spearmen with City Attack.
  8. D

    [BTS Total Mod] Thomas' War

    Before I changed the exceptions, the Theme worked, after I changed the Python Exceptions, I got the GFC error! I deleted the theme, and got Python Exception Pop-Ups...
  9. D

    [BTS 3.13] Philippine Civ (MODULAR)

    Finally! I have been waiting for a good Filipino mod! I like the mod, and plugged it into my Esnaz folder with no problem, which is great, but I have a few bits of constructive criticism for the update you mentioned: Ethnic Skin: Why Celtic? That really surprised me, I was expecting...
  10. D

    [BTS Total Mod] Thomas' War

    nope - using XP I will try deleting the custom theme (even though I really like it), but I have a feeling that it won't help, I have had a similar problem on a few other mods :( I deleted the theme: No luck. For a reason I can't yet determine, any mod that alters the Known Leader interface...
  11. D

    [BTS Total Mod] Thomas' War

    Still using the the earlier downloading, Alt-Tabbing did nothing :( And I am not using CivComplete, or anything like that. I am downloading the updated version now, I will try it again and get back to you.
  12. D

    [BTS Total Mod] Thomas' War

    The mod look great, but my interface (CivScore, City Screen, Unit Command, etc.) is Blank - I played around a bit with funtion keys, and everything else seems fantastic - is the interface one of the issues being worked on, or is this something that I need to change on my end (I have had the same...
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