Recent content by Funhaver

  1. Funhaver

    [GS] [ (426563)] James Young Civilopedia entry missing word

    "Young devised technique" --> "Young devised this technique" Obviously this omission has ruined my gaming experience. ;)
  2. Funhaver

    Broken cloud game cannot be removed

    Do you remember the join code, if there was one? It's a long shot, but if the original creator of the play-by-cloud game enters the lobby using the join code, perhaps there is an option for him or her to end the game and stop the madness of those false alerts.
  3. Funhaver

    [GS] [ (426563)] Arrow Storm gives +7 Combat Strength on defense (426563) Hi! Arrow Storm is giving my opponent a +7 Combat Strength bonus on defense. I expect that it should not. The image shows the bonus when the attacker is Melee, but it holds true when attacked by a Naval Bombard class (from the mod Warfare Expanded Complete Edition) or Siege...
  4. Funhaver

    [R&F] [] War-Cart combat card missing info

    Right, sorry. It's a team Hotseat game. I'm India, my teammate is Aztec, and the snapshot was taken on Aztec's turn. His Crossbowman is on the other side of the map. :) The –5 for being adjacent to a Varu is being calculated correctly in the total Combat Strength, it just isn't showing up on the...
  5. Funhaver

    [R&F] [] War-Cart combat card missing info

    I would expect the War-Cart's combat card (see attached) to read: 35 [total] 30 Base Strength +7 Barding (promotion) +3 bonus due to difficulty. –5 Combat Strength when adjacent to an enemy Varu Instead it reads: 35 [total] 30 Base Strength +3 bonus due to difficulty. . . . which doesn't even...
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