Recent content by Gnarfflinger

  1. G

    Which darkhorses do you want?

    I`d like to think Canada has a unique enough culture to warrant a civilization of it's own. Perhaps have peace keeping as a special trait. Could this be handled by separating the Kievan Rus from Russia? What about Wallachia under Vlad the Impaler?
  2. G

    C3C PBEM : "Aetius" - Fall of Rome scenario-based PBEM (level : experienced)

    Thanks for the game folks. I had Ian DC ahead in points, and I figured he would win if nobody stopped him. He said that Greybeard was closing in on him, but I guess that with how close this was, we crown the Visigoths victorious. Congradulations.
  3. G

    Tip(s) for Diplomats - War Buddies are Fickle Friends

    You can't trust anyone in this game. The only thing you can count on is that they will turn on you when it is least convenient.
  4. G

    Unrestricted Leader Awesome Combos!!!

    Churchill of China was fun and effective. Tokugawa of the Ottoman Empire was amazing, but eventually you have to move up to rifles. I had better luck with England. I want to try Kublia Khan with Ethiopia. Creative with the Stele and Aggressive with the Oromo Warrior reeks of synergy...
  5. G

    Sumeria... Wow...

    On the list to try with Sumeria are Alexander (combat I on the Vultures and the spy specialist early from a Ziggeraut), Hammurabi (Combat I and cheaper Ziggerauts), and Frederick (Philosophical and Organized). There could be other nice combos I'm not thinking of...
  6. G

    CIV103: Espionage Economy at Prince, pregame thread

    What about Gilgamesh? The Ziggeraut is available with Priesthood, so you can get a straight 2 EP per city sooner... And the Vulture is like an axeman with better axe rush potential (but it's still no swordsman for attacking cities).
  7. G

    pbem 'Kappa' proposed v1.61

    I haven't seen much in the way of barbarians, but Alex was the first AI I met. So much for my war Chariots...
  8. G

    Cyrus of Mongollia(ALC style)

    Take the one marked number 1 first. Then build on number 2, but don't dawdle. Then you can take some time getting number 3 when you're ready. A backup horse supply would help the surprise pillage or spy op...
  9. G

    XP bonuses

    When playing a Charismatic Leader, the Great general added on top of those four is 13 exp for a mounted unit--good for 4 promotions!
  10. G

    When/how to use Espionage and GSpies?

    I tried a version of the Sumerian Spy Scam, but since I play with 18 civs on a standard pangea. I ran a philosophical civ with the Sumerians, getting spies running earlier due to the ziggeraut, and having the Philosophical trait pays off a Great Spy faster. I selected my capital for this...
  11. G

    My (few) cities have all the same buildings!

    Make sure the city can benefit from the building before committing hte hammers to do so. Also, don't neglect your hard point defence (read archery units) in cities and key points. Have an eye to kicking someone's teeth in at all times, and militarize while this goes on. Maybe having a third...
  12. G

    Celtic UU and UB questions

    Have cities with Duns produce archers to defend your hill cities, and cities without Duns build GWs to fight. Also parking your stack on a hill makes them virtually untouchable. The Celts are a good defensive civ, but about even for offense.
  13. G

    War and Diplomacy

    With the Apostolic palace, Defy anything serious, oppose anything else you don't like. If you get an unwanted peace treaty, wait your 10 turns then invade again, with more fresh units. Eventually you'll be the biggest nation with the religion, and may eventually control the AP, so you control...
  14. G

    Nationality & Culture Drive Me Nuts

    If one of your cities wants to join another civ that badly, then kick their teeth in and shut up that city. Sometimes I will gift the city to a neutral third civ that the city wants to join if I need the relations boost, but otherwise, I simply ignore the demands.
  15. G

    Scarcity of resources in BTS

    I've been playing 18 civs on a Standard size map. I have yet to go 0 for 3 on the early strategic resources. I usually get two of three, but usually it's horses that's the scarce one. I've often had to fight 2 to 4 wars to get horses...
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