Recent content by Iovah

  1. Iovah

    East Asia Map

    Keinjuan, I am aware of Gojoseon, and even though wikipedia may say that and Korean nationalist historians claim a connection to Gojoseon, but claiming a direct connection to Korea is a problematic issue. The Gojoseon did not have a concept that they are "Korean" in the way a Korean today...
  2. Iovah

    Petition for the Better Reprentation of Non-European Cultures in Civillization

    That's kind of interesting considering alot of CIV fans are history buffs and such. Belcarius: I can speak from experience. Since I have experience with China, I'll use that. If you want proff, learn Chinese, and go to Chinese archieves, which contains more than any Western archieve. In...
  3. Iovah

    Petition for the Better Reprentation of Non-European Cultures in Civillization

    Oh Cool, I'm from Frederick, Maryland, but I never heard of Hunt Valley. I think I'll have to make a trip up there. hehehe. Re Myhairlosing: Yes, I also beleive that the balance should maintain. In fact, the unit art changes I would like seens are merely that... unit art changes. They...
  4. Iovah

    Petition for the Better Reprentation of Non-European Cultures in Civillization

    There are way too many off-topic discussions here. Although I'm dying with anticipation to address certain comments I disagree with, I'm going to ignore comments I find incorrect and ignorant accept one- RE: Belcarius. There are mor records and evidence from non-Europeans than Europeans. Like I...
  5. Iovah

    Petition for the Better Reprentation of Non-European Cultures in Civillization

    RE: Korossyl This isn't the place to discuse this. If you want to go on about the illusion of European domination, success, and superiority, you can e-mail me at Maybe you shold consider changing majors because you don't seem very knowledgable and global in perspective...
  6. Iovah

    Petition for the Better Reprentation of Non-European Cultures in Civillization

    I said Chinese characters not Canji. Although Canji are Chinese characters, they sometimes have different meanings, some Canji were invented by the Japanese, while many are not used. I can't speak Japanese, so I don't know the exact Canji. I know Chinese. So I wrote the Chinese term because...
  7. Iovah

    Petition for the Better Reprentation of Non-European Cultures in Civillization

    RE Belcarius: You've seriously mis counted. There are are 13 European Civs as of Civ:Conquest and 13 out of 31 accounting for 41% of the civillizations. Don't Beleive me. Here's a list: European Civs (13) Rome, Greece, Germany, Russia, America (although it's in America, it's based on...
  8. Iovah

    Petition for the Better Reprentation of Non-European Cultures in Civillization

    As to skin color: I don't think this should be a major issue because of these problems: 1) Most states are not as racially diverse as the U.S. 2) Skin color is not something easily visable in the game as there is little exposed skin. 3) Sometimes skin color is ambigious as to their...
  9. Iovah

    Petition for the Better Reprentation of Non-European Cultures in Civillization

    RE: Ogedei the Mad On Bushido. Yes, you're correct that "Bushido" means "Way of the Warrior", but my rendition of Bushido into the "Way of the Horse and Arrow" - "Kyuba no Michi" (马箭的法 in Chinese characters). The Japanese concept of the Warrior before the 18th...
  10. Iovah

    Petition for the Better Reprentation of Non-European Cultures in Civillization

    On to the real matter: I agree that the quality of the game play is the most important, and art work is more so a secondary objective, but I think art work would improve the ambience of the game. I agree with Crazy Eskimo that we cannot take this too far and tha units should be...
  11. Iovah

    Petition for the Better Reprentation of Non-European Cultures in Civillization

    Korossyl. I don't want to address this much, but all offence is intended when I say you clearly show how ignorant you are. Perhaps, you should spend less time on the East coast of the U.S. playing Civ 3 and actually leave your tiny isolated provincial world and see for yourself these different...
  12. Iovah

    Civil wars?

    I think civil wars is a good concept, I remember in Call to Power. They had it so that cities could revolt and form their own military and fight your own. I remember it happened to me once and it made the game interesting, although I lost that as their army quickly marched on my poorly defended...
  13. Iovah

    Petition for the Better Reprentation of Non-European Cultures in Civillization

    I think I've been misunderstood on Request 2 on the Tech Tree. I'm not suggesting a different flavored Tech tree for each civillization type, that would make things too uneven, complicated, and restrictive, but instead, I'm suggesting a tech tree that is open to a variety of historical...
  14. Iovah

    Petition for the Better Reprentation of Non-European Cultures in Civillization

    RE: SuperBeaverInc. Another point, how does one define the success of a civillization? What makes Europe so successful? Because they conquered? Because they had technology? Also, this game has many historical periods. Europe was only successful in the past 500 years. What about the other 3500...
  15. Iovah

    Petition for the Better Reprentation of Non-European Cultures in Civillization

    I figured as a group we could determine the best way to get our message to the creators of Civ 4. Any ideas? Maybe we should make a contact list. I'm very pleased by the response. Hopefully, we can muster some more support to get more attention. I don't think Request 1 will be as difficult as it...
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