Recent content by johnfloyd27

  1. J

    Kinda noob here, but is the strategy of the game all down to a race to certain militarily-focused technologies?

    There are a many many many ways to win. What’s best is dictated by the map. Rushing cuirs isn’t the best move on an island or archipeligo map, etc. and even on a great land map, cuirs is just one popular and fun strategy. There’s nothing wrong with rifles + cannons or slowly expanding your...
  2. J

    [BTS] How in the world does Pacal II tech so fast?!

    You can also give techs to other AI in exchange for them declaring war on Pacal. The war will force Pacal to divert resources to military units, slowing down his tech, and the two AI will now not like each other and might fight further wars down the line.
  3. J

    Waging fast wars

    Wage your first war in the era of axes and chariots to eradicate a nearby rival and seize what will likely be a strong capital city. In this era, they should have only 2 or 3 cities, so the war will be short by default and net you land to grow and jump to a good lead. Avoid protective AI’s or...
  4. J

    [NEWCIV] Louis's Civ Request Thread

    I’m not sure if this mod is causing the problem, but I’m playing a game with BUG, BAT 4.1, and some modular civs installed and whenever I encounter one of the new civs or open WB, the game crashes to desktop. When I start a game as one of the modular civs (tested with normandy) the first few...
  5. J

    Leoreth Plays China

    China is a nation that has had a lot of booms and busts in its long history. Glorious golden ages and the bloodiest civil wars of all time. What if the third goal reflected this by requiring X Golden ages AND Y collapses. So you’re actually incentivized to find ways to push yourself to collapse...
  6. J

    AI turned its own capital into a colony.

    Interesting theories! To answer some questions: I don’t know if Ragnar changed his capital. I only have the end-of-game time lapse to go by, but I’ve never seen an AI build a palace. The original capital was never captured. Ragnar even had a handful of wonders on his original island that went...
  7. J

    AI turned its own capital into a colony.

    The strangest thing happened in a game this evening. I was playing the perfect world script, which is like a form of continents, and an AI Ragnar started on a small island he quickly covered with 5 or so cities, then he built two more cities on a larger landmass, and then he turned his overseas...
  8. J

    Which civ should I play in August?

    You know the rules, gang. China must finish second in polling.
  9. J

    Leoreth Plays Rome

    It’s been a while since I played Rome, but I remember running into too many barbarians and perhaps getting too many bad rolls defending against them to continue my conquests beyond Greece in time. I probably could have streamlined what cities where building what, though. And maybe should have...
  10. J

    Leoreth Plays the Inca

    If you want to go really fantastical on goal 3, you can make it an “Incas strike back” goal and say you have to conquer Spain by a certain date. or... Incan control of Panama Canal (a city or fort that allows travel through the isthmus) and the largest navy in the pacific AND the Atlantic by...
  11. J

    Leoreth Plays Japan

    Imperial zeal: All units get a bonus to attack, but a penalty to defense. The rising sun: Easier golden ages - perhaps starting wars, conquering territory, or advancing to new tech ages triggers them. Meiji Restoration: Bonus to beakers on mainland Japan after contact is made with the U.S...
  12. J

    Nomads: new mechanics and attributes

    Haven’t read the whole thread, so unsure if this has been suggested, but how about limiting Nomads to one city? They can build a single settler and whenever they settle that settler, the old city vanishes and the new city is created with all the buildings of the old one. You know. Nomadic-like...
  13. J

    Leoreth Plays Russia

    Maybe there’s a way to encourage Sweden to wage the great northern war on Eastern Europe / Russia around 1700-1721. IRL, this was a big challenge to Peter the Great, who won a battle that established Russia, not Sweden, as the preeminent power over Eastern Europe. It’s been a while since I...
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