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  • Hi, thanx for letting me know. I've been away on holiday for a couple of days, so I haven't been able to follow up on our talk. I'll try to look into it one of the days.
    Hi Kasper,

    if you are still interested, have a look on my final concept. As promised, I posted it here:
    Cities & Units

    With some alterations in city combat (which I really like) and all new abilities and promotions mentioned and explained, the thread tries to flesh out the chart and correlates all abilities.

    A comment would be nice, but is by no means mandatory, of course! :)

    I wish you "Happy Easter"!


    I'll be with my parents over easter, so I'll probably not be able to be on-line for a few days and therefore probably not able to answer soon (if you decide to comment).

    What's about your chart? Did you abstain from publishing it? Why? It is good!
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