Recent content by Lorizael

  1. Lorizael

    People Just Liked It Better That Way - People Just Liked It Better That Way

    No longer suggests names with localization errors No longer suggests names already in use Now only lets you rename settlements with names from a previous age (which means you can't do what's shown in the sample images, but that was a mistake anyway and this is what I originally intended, but if...
  2. Lorizael

    Converting to City should update the settlement name

    Yeah, agreed, that would be better. I already had an OK/Cancel dialog box, though, and from a cursory glance implementing a different kind of dialog box would involve a bit of customization, so laziness won out. Will try to figure that out and update.
  3. Lorizael

    Converting to City should update the settlement name

    I've thought the same thing for awhile... so I made a mod to do just that! Check it out and let me know what you think:
  4. Lorizael

    People Just Liked It Better That Way 1.1

    This mod gives players the option to generate a new name for a settlement when converting it from a town to a city. It only comes online after Antiquity, when you've got a bunch of settlements with names from your previous civ(s). It will not ask to change the name of a settlement that already...
  5. Lorizael

    Crewed Space Flight and Ultra Deluxe Map Size Names

    In order to get some modding experience, I've created two very basic mods for Civ7. The first one, Crewed Space Flight, changes all instances of "Staffed Space Flight" to "Crewed Space Flight." "Staffed" sounded awkward to me when I first heard it, and as others have also pointed out, "crewed"...
  6. Lorizael

    Crewed Space Flight Project 1.0

    This mod changes all instances (hopefully) of "Staffed Space Flight" to "Crewed Space Flight." "Crewed" is the standard term in the space industry today.
  7. Lorizael

    Ultra Deluxe Map Size Names 1.0

    This mod changes the names of the three map sizes from Tiny, Small, and Standard to Large, Extra Large, and Magnum. The actual maps are exactly the same and have not changed in size at all. But maybe they'll seem bigger now.
  8. Lorizael

    A Message From Firaxis Games

    Yeah. "You're welcome" would be a much weirder thing to say.
  9. Lorizael

    Little questions & answers thread

    Is there a resource somewhere explaining how yields for particular terrains are calculated? The Civilopedia is useless.
  10. Lorizael

    Sid Meier's Civilization VII : GaaS.

    So then what exactly are we doing here?
  11. Lorizael

    Strongest Leader/Civ/Memento for first game?

    Only if you choose to use.
  12. Lorizael

    Small Observations General Thread (things not worth separate threads)

    Civ5 to Civ6 is the only time the difficulty levels weren't renamed. ;)
  13. Lorizael

    Does converting you own cities to your religion makes sense in Civ 7?

    Would prefer passive spread and/or some kind of diplomatic endeavor. (I know there's an espionage action to convert a city, but there should be a friendly version.)
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