Recent content by luukdeman111

  1. L

    Planetary annihilation

    They are probably making the graphics low polygon like they are in the vid to improve performance since they are aiming to make accurate physical simulations of projectiles and planetary rotation. Add to that, these graphics are quite cheap to make while the supcom graphics really require a high...
  2. L

    Planetary annihilation

    I would like to add that the game isn't in development yet so this video only shows what they expect from the game. They did say they were going to stick with that art style but that they would make the planets and units more detailed
  3. L

    Planetary annihilation

    Hey folks! I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that most of you probably loved the RTS classic "Total Annihilation". Well, last Wednesday a project was started on kickstarter called "Planetary Annihilation". If the high goal of $900,000 will be met, the game will be developed by Uber...
  4. L

    catapults no longer need iron...

    That was in my opinion one of the best changes for G&K, the overall siege/range system that is. Historically siege units were only used for city's (with the exception of the modern artillery). On the other hand ranged units were very effective versus melee units. Using catapults as my primary...
  5. L

    Cheesiest Diplo Victory Ever

    Isn't the word exploit included in the name of the 4X game genre?? ;) No, seriously, I would like the all time relation system. But disabling city selling might be an easier solution.
  6. L

    Unholying holy cities

    yeah i found that out too... 2 turns later the city had ten followers of their old religion again and the city tooltip stated it is a holy city again. But it's pretty strange that for those two turns it wasn't the holy city anymore...
  7. L

    Unholying holy cities

    Hey folks! In my latest G&K game i was trying to spread my religion around a little bit and at some point I wanted to convert a holy city for a different religion to my religion with missionarys. As i kinda expected it wasn't very effective because of the religious pressure the holy city...
  8. L

    Great General points?

    Ahh... Right. It might be that barbarians don't count towards gg but I'm not quite sure... Could also be something new for gods kings
  9. L

    Great General points?

    In the military overview you can find your progress towards the next gg/ga (great admiral, not artist ;)).
  10. L

    Best scenario

    Honestly I think into the renaissance is the only scenario that really fits in this expansion.... Haven't played it yet though but it will be the first gak scenario I'm gonna try
  11. L

    What are your thoughts on the "empire of the smoky skies" scenario?

    You mean like a hovering base for air units?? That's awesome!!!
  12. L

    Everything is op! (or 'Is it just me, or are almost all of the new civs really OP?')

    Have you checked the Ottomaans out with gods and kings? They are quite strong now! And Japan in civ 4 was actually quite like Japan in civ v except weaker!
  13. L

    Figure out what Attila is speaking

    I think they mostly payed attention to making it sound cool instead of being historically accurate in atilla's case. Probably because firaxis doesn't expect a huge civ community that speaks that language. As far as I speak the other languages I found them to be pretty accurate although most of...
  14. L

    Has the early game Worker steal exploit been addressed?

    I like the way it is done now. Quite realistic actually. I mean normally if a country like the USA would DoW on a country like Belgium just to steal things from them the whole world would be pissed as hell! Probably even more than when they would declare war on, say, Russia
  15. L

    Notification spam

    Actually, I like the notification spam. Gives me something interesting during the sometimes boring next turn - next turn - etc. periods in the game
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