Recent content by lyciummusic

  1. lyciummusic

    Pirate Nation and Pirate Raids [ACCEPTED]

    Darn, I've been waiting for this forever. Sid Meier would be proud to see what this game has become. You guys should invite him to play after next major release.
  2. lyciummusic

    Monopolies [DEAD]

    Well, player could get all the monopolies eventually, but after mid game you'd sell all good stuff on Port Royal anyway. I wouldn't want to get -1 relationship for selling furs at 1gold a piece with 60% tax. I'd go Africa instead or wait for Customs House. I say smaller benefits with smaller...
  3. lyciummusic

    [WTP] Quick questions

    Also going for libertarian/sophisticated really helps. AI cannot match your bell production in late game anyways, it only matters from early to mid game.
  4. lyciummusic

    Old World crops in the New World

    While hemp was grown in Europe at that time cotton, sugar and coffee were always imported via silk/spice road from Middle East, South Asia and Eastern Africa. So sugar, cotton and coffee are not historical. Even their presence on native villages isn't, but acceptable gameplaywise...
  5. lyciummusic

    EU4 is on the sale for 17$ atm

    EU4 is on the sale for 17$ atm
  6. lyciummusic

    What about ... the ideas in terms of money?

    Wouldn't a simpler solution also work? Like increasing prices for AI or giving them a steady income, a stipend?
  7. lyciummusic

    What about ... the ideas in terms of money?

    I also like the money system as it is. However AI needs some boost as it cannot manage production as a human player does. At the time preparing WOI in my latest game, I spent 2M+ buying colonists/troops/equipment. Was earning 20k a turn from domestically only. Even the richest AI was broke as...
  8. lyciummusic

    Tech tree brainstorming

    Technology also does spread. Small bonus to research if others have the same tech.
  9. lyciummusic

    I would recommend Paradox Games if you like the details in a game. There are various covering...

    I would recommend Paradox Games if you like the details in a game. There are various covering different timelines, current ones in timeline order are: Crusader Kings 2, Europa Universalis 4, Victoria 2, Hearts of Iron 4, Stellaris. Incredible modding community as well - from AGoT mod to CK2, to...
  10. lyciummusic

    Tech tree brainstorming

    Well, though Civ style tree would be the simplest to implement I'm going to fantasize here a bit: among loads of strategy games, I would say a mixture of Hears of Iron 3 and Stellaris would be best. In HoI3, along with research points "produced", there was an experience in relevant area as well...
  11. lyciummusic

    [We the People] Bug reporting

    I think that event may be removed, I don't remember seeing it on WTP. The bug with this one is it keeps repeating until you have a train oil cooker steadily, while other events (like you are offered another type of colonist) don't fire again if you refuse.
  12. lyciummusic

    Current Exploits as of WTP 2.7.2 beta1

    Well, perhaps better if they are not counted- for I don't want to buy troops but raise them myself, even I have the money- as of turn 744 (1685), king has army of 450 troops with 120 ships and I, 80 troops and 20 warships. Will try my luck when I have 1:2 ratio on land.
  13. lyciummusic

    Current Exploits as of WTP 2.7.2 beta1

    Well, I said that because I was storing my weapons on unused treks and noticed they don't show up on Revolution page. Maybe they are counted but not shown? Same thing applies if you disarm a professional soldier.
  14. lyciummusic

    Current Exploits as of WTP 2.7.2 beta1

    King doesn't care about weapons loaded on wagons while calculating your military strength. Exploitable making buildup for independence.
  15. lyciummusic

    Request: New Map Size

    Yes, I most certainly broke something lol - some texts show up like "TXT_KEY_FATHER_XXXX" now. Probably because of the editor I used, "xml copy editor". I just googled "free xml editor" and clicked one on the top. Will reinstall the mod.
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