Recent content by Marlev

  1. Marlev

    News: 6otM 01: Announcement - Civ6 Game 01

    I think this might be civ5 version :) current civ6 ver. is (221715). Doesn't really matter but might be useful for future reference. Also, I just tried loading the save with Aztec DLC on and it works just fine. I think the game is now smart enough to turn on/off mods/dlcs if it needs...
  2. Marlev

    I'm looking for a let's play showing wide strategy, are there any?

    I'm trying to learn how to play wide and I'm looking for a decent up-to-date (bnw, fall patch) let's play because I learn more from examples rather than from reading. :) I'd prefer it to be an actual wide strategy rather than the usual "tradition-3 cities-go to war and take stuff" so I could...
  3. Marlev

    custom difficulty

    Hey guys! I would like to create/add custom difficulty to the game. I've done some research and looks like CIV5HandicapInfos.xml is where all values are. However I want to add a new one, let's say Immortal Plus and I'm not exactly sure how to do it. Also I'm not sure which values exactly I...
  4. Marlev

    Nobles' Club LXI: Montezuma of the Aztecs

    ahhaaaa, that explain a lot :) thanks :)
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