Recent content by mogilan

  1. M

    How to disable the Blue Marble terrain in TAC?

    OK, thanks for reply. So it is not straightforward.. that's enough for me :)
  2. M

    How to disable the Blue Marble terrain in TAC?

    Hi, I play with TAC mod on Steam version of the game. Is there any way to use the default terrain textures instead of the Blue Marble ones included in the mod? Thanks for help
  3. M

    What is your favourite Civilization game?

    Really? Civ2 was Win game, not Dos game. And DosBox runs only Dos games as far as I know...
  4. M

    What is your favourite Civilization game?

    Civ 2 is the best one. But unfortunately the only one I can't get run on Win 8.
  5. M

    Poll: What do you like the most in Civilization games?

    It simply means that there's something wrong with scaling over time. It shouldn't matter where you settle your 8th city but it should matter if you get Industrialization (or any other tech that boosts your production enormously) 5 turns earlier or not. So when in early games you make strategic...
  6. M

    Poll: What do you like the most in Civilization games?

    I agree. Instead of 1UPT they should focus more on city management part and extending era of exploration. Also 1UPT should be easier for AI to deal with as in Colonization there was always very limited number of unit types.
  7. M

    Poll: What do you like the most in Civilization games?

    It's included in c) Technology and research. I think culture is similar concept to technology. Religion is also related to Diplomacy.
  8. M

    Poll: What do you like the most in Civilization games?

    Agree, but this is more a question "which aspect of CIV defines the game for you". For example I could easily get rid of diplomacy - I remember playing Civ 1 where there were only 4-5 simple options to interact (like declare war/exchange tech) but it was still fun for me as the game had...
  9. M

    Poll: What do you like the most in Civilization games?

    So far no votes for a) Warfare but 10 votes in total for d) and e) related to city management and exploration. This can somehow explain why bad AI and 1UPT don't spoil the fun for many civ fans.
  10. M

    Poll: What do you like the most in Civilization games?

    Hi, I was wandering what you guys like the most in Civ games. I'm actually city management guy and I love looking how my cities grow. In the result diplomacy and warfare are just minor aspects of the game. Seriously, they could make civ game without warfare and I'd still like it very much :)...
  11. M

    Coming from Victoria 2...thinking about buying Civ6

    In regards to point 2). I know there is an indie game Factorio: I haven't played it but it has excellent reviews. The core of the game is technology research and resource management (gathering, combining, transporting) and production of various...
  12. M

    Coming from Victoria 2...thinking about buying Civ6

    Yes, I noticed that the part of CIV that interests me the most is the economy side (related to cities and improvements). I'd play it more often if this part was more complex, even at the cost of simpler military system.
  13. M

    Your 5 Favorite Games That Are Not Civilization

    100% agree. It is also scientifically proven (read noblist Kahneman's book "Think fast and slow') that less perfect or incomplete images stimulate the brain much more what results in it's more efficient work. In other words, 'worse' graphics creates more realistic, complete visualisation of...
  14. M

    Your 5 Favorite Games That Are Not Civilization

    Regarding XCOM -type games. If you like football (soccer) try Football Tactics: It's indie, turn-based strategy game made by very small team of developers which mixes RPG elements (squad management, skill improvement, tactics etc) with club...
  15. M

    Is AI really brain dead?

    I think AI is so dumb and irrational because finally it has achieved perfection in emulating human behavior.
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