Recent content by morss_4

  1. M

    disbanding units for gold - misunderstood?

    It is not that only the 2nd unit shows the cost, only the 2nd unit INCURS a cost, at least so far as I am aware. In other words if you have 1 unit in your case your mainentance cost is 0. 2 gives you a cost of 7. 3 is again 7, 4 is 14 and so forth. (To be honest I don't know if costs are...
  2. M

    disbanding units for gold - misunderstood?

    I think he understands this. He is saying that maintenance costs will get applied before you get a chance to disband. In other words net revenue is calculated immediately after unit production. You hit end turn, the unit is built, and then you pay maintenance. Then you get to disband it on...
  3. M

    Turn 13 AI Harassment messages

    I don't really understand the logic behind implementing AI trash talking. Essentially the developers were sitting around a table and said "You know what would be awesome? If the game made fun of the player." I guess the point is to provide feedback to the player to let him know that AI...
  4. M

    [FIXED] Utopia Project being built by puppet city

    I'm going to resurrect this because the same thing happened to me a couple days ago and it took me a while to find out why. The problem is that...for some reason (and I can only assume this is a bug) puppet states can build the Utopia project. This had me pulling my hair out for a while as I...
  5. M

    Ai blatantly cheat on Prince difficulty?????

    This is not true. If you run out of money units start disbanding. This happened to me in a game where I was going for the Bollywood achievement and gave away all my cities but the capital to reduce social policy cost. To my surprise in 10 turns my entire army disbanded, this despite the fact...
  6. M

    Arabia, Marble/Gold?

    If you don't want to start in a desert with marble, try turning off the start bias.
  7. M

    Is there any insane epic/marathon/huge ppl?

    I played those kinds of games in Civ IV, but in V I think the pace is a little to slow and the maps are a little to big for that kind of thing. A standard map on normal speed with 2-3 extra AI and 4-5 extra city states is more my speed. Not sure what you mean here. You can add as many AI...
  8. M

    Having troubles with Iron

    The two to six number is the number of iron units that mine can support. If you have 1 mine that supplies 6 iron that means you can have 6 swordsmen. If you build 6 swordsmen and one dies then you get another spare iron to use to rebuild it. However if you build 6 swordsmen and none of...
  9. M

    Holy crap! The battle of the century! UPDATE: Video uploaded!

    I fail to see how most of the things you mentioned are any more or less "competitive" than what the OP was doing. The only one I agree with was not using the "melee" units. I would have checked them as well. But, using the keyboard? Quick combat? Those don't impact gameplay in any way...
  10. M

    How many obsolete units needed to kill a rifleman?

    If you have knights and longswordsmen you can kill a rifleman easy. Those units aren't that much weaker than a rifleman. Bombard it with a couple trebuchets first and you probably won't even lose anything.
  11. M

    How many ways have you lost?

    I think the only way (barring getting your starting settler killed) you can really lose is on time, if you're going for a victory condition like culture or space and run out of turns. I lost a game when going for the Bollywood achievement. That's not an option though.
  12. M

    Sulla's first Civ V walkthrough

    I don't understand your complaint. You can do that. Just choose to puppet it, then you can always change your mind later. You realize you can annex/raze whenever you want right? You can raze or annex a captured city 3000 years after the conquest if you want.
  13. M

    Sulla's first Civ V walkthrough

    He makes some good points, complains about some things that aren't really problems and makes some points I don't agree with. Here I think he makes a mistake that a lot of people are making. Specifically, the UA's aren't supposed to be balanced, the Civs are. Some civs clearly have better...
  14. M

    Archery units slaughtering firearms units

    People seem to be having trouble with this point. If you can field 10 musketmen for every 1 longbowman, it doesn't really matter how good the longbow is. This is why during the Hundreds Year War you would have armies of about 10,000 men while during the Napoleonic Wars you'd see armies of...
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