Recent content by Nathiri

  1. Nathiri

    C3C Enhanced Edition Preview

    If every unit is HN though, its less random. So a single explorer unit of the AI, could be a threat. It will result in you being more protective of your units overall and not play too open/send naked settlers. This will then result in more units being built by the human as a necessity rather...
  2. Nathiri

    C3C Enhanced Edition Preview

    Looks good! I like your tech tree backgrounds and arrows. I think putting in that extra effort is worth it and good for presentation. If I dont see arrows I just see a big blob of tech boxes. Sure you can right click them, but I like the birds eye view where you can see everything that is...
  3. Nathiri

    C3C Enhanced Edition Preview

    Yeah if you want to do something like that, you have to have other ways of maintaining economy and keeping player interest. Like better resource yields, getting gold from buildings, or higher unit support, or some units being free and go obsolete for settling. Something has to help fill that...
  4. Nathiri

    Modding Q&A

    Yeah if you want it to go over the city list, then you'll have to re-place them all. But if it is not necessary for scenario reasons, then just remove the names from the list as Vuldacon recommended.
  5. Nathiri

    Modding Q&A

    Make sure the bit rate matches the file you are replacing or copying format. With mp3s, the bit rate is usually 128, but with WAV files I think its like 80 or 90 something. So check a unit that has sound files like the ones you have, and match the bit rate. With mp3s, a different bit rate can...
  6. Nathiri

    How would you design a "2X" mod?

    Ive always preferred ancient era mods. Anno Domini one of them. All good thoughts. I have played with high food resources and lower tile yields. My intention at the time was to make cities with high population more desirable and to have big cities as there were ancient metropolises in the past...
  7. Nathiri

    Civ-specific skin tones

    Sounds good!
  8. Nathiri

    C3C Enhanced Edition Preview

    I'm just starting to get back into playing the base game myself after not playing much civ3 in general for a couple years. This looks interesting I might give it ago later after I'm tired with the base game which is bound to happen.
  9. Nathiri

    [C3C] When Aahnacet Calls - Strategic Defense

    'When Aahnacet Calls' (WAC) is a new wave-based defense mod that was first created in 2018. It tries to create a cooperative experience, with multiplayer in mind, between two civilizations and a much larger foe. The primary goal is to survive 10 waves of the enemy's forces. I originally posted...
  10. Nathiri

    When Aahnacet Calls - Strategic Defense 1.0

    'When Aahnacet Calls' (WAC) is a new wave-based defense mod that was first created in 2018. It tries to create a cooperative experience, with multiplayer in mind, between two civilizations and a much larger foe. The primary goal is to survive 10 waves of the enemy's forces. Story: The empire of...
  11. Nathiri

    C3X: EXE Mod including Bug Fixes, Stack Bombard, and Much More

    I thought this was the case, but there was no download button on the Updates tab. I see now its under History.
  12. Nathiri

    Using chatGPT to mod Civ3

    I agree this looks promising and would save experienced modders alot of time. Mass-producing unit files take a good amount of time. If there only is the occasional error, I've usually been able to spot those pretty easily. You'd still need to know how to add the unit entry manually. This just...
  13. Nathiri

    Modding Q&A

    Building maintenance. When you set a government on an improvement/wonder, then switch from that government, the benefits disappear, but the maintenance costs will still remain in effect. If you switch back into the government then the benefits reappear for any civ. It is at this point, if its an...
  14. Nathiri

    Modding Q&A

    You are correct. Gov Obsoleting works interestingly. I used Gov obsolete improvements and wonders in my mod. It also had the effect of still providing maintenance costs. I found I could make Gov-specific benefits that then had the negative effect of always costing money until the rest of the...
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