Recent content by nemesis464

  1. N

    Most defensible city ever?

    Most defensible I've seen is when you get a ring of mountains with one missing so you can only attak from 1 tile
  2. N

    Ever get an RSI from playing Civ?

    After playing for 5+ hours at once, it really gets painful when I have to trade the AI 14 horses, one by one....
  3. N

    Operation Gandhi-fall

    Nice! Really enjoyed reading it
  4. N

    What natural wonders you would like to see included in civilization?

    Can't believe there's not more votes for the Matterhorn! The Belizean Great blue hole could be a cool one too.
  5. N

    Your favorite SECOND social policy?

    I usually go Liberty, then a few policies in Exploration, then Rationalism. If you took Tradition, my order would still be the same.
  6. N

    I've never seen the AI nuke themselves before.

    Well, I guess you answered your own question- she nuked you and not herself. Still a hilarious example of civ AI though ;)
  7. N FFA Tournament (w/Prizes)

    This sounds like a great idea
  8. N FFA Tournament (w/Prizes)

    For once, shut up Trolling other posters is not acceptable. If you have a problem with another post, use the report function.
  9. N

    Which world wonders do you like ?

    Meh, I don't tend to notice much of a setback
  10. N

    Number Crunchers vs. Role Players

    I voted for Role player/Immersionist. Although I do reckon that CIV already has the best of both worlds for both types of players. Single player becomes very tedious very quickly when you just play the optimal game every time, so lends itself well to unusual strategies, thematic choices etc...
  11. N

    Which world wonders do you like ?

    I really like Stonehenge early on, because you get priority religion choices and a really important GE point which lets you grab another important wonder and reduce the setback you suffered to build Stonehenge
  12. N

    Why won't the AI wage cross ocean war?

    On the East vs West map, I've got some great games where the AI has sent dozens of boats across the 7(?) hex wide channel in the middle to attack me.
  13. N

    General tips for playing on higher difficulties?

    I'm not sure about this. I usually play on Immortal difficultly, but still build tons of wonders.
  14. N

    Gigant Europe 43 civ

    The PlayEurope one is the one I really like. It's complete carnage once it gets going!
  15. N

    How to get an epic war going?

    Finally managed to get one going! I was on immortal difficulty, playing on the East vs West map with me on one side and Iroqois/Shoshone/Greeks on the other side on one team.
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