Recent content by nerovats

  1. nerovats


    Find strong defencive position and let AI suicide against you. That's how I start my war. Also in start of the game when one of the AI DoW's on me. Play defensive for a couple of turns, to reduce the AI's army. Maybe I just don't play at a high enough level. Will try Immortal next time. Playing...
  2. nerovats

    Mesix Challenge Series 1

    Finished turn 323. Had trouble growing. But still reasonable date I gues.
  3. nerovats


    Maybe I should build baracks again in some cities, to get some quality units. You'll gave me some stuff to try out. :goodjob:
  4. nerovats


    I play emperor at the moment. I do attack cities with a force large enough to take it in 1-2 turns. But that means most units will just attack 2 times. Take 2-3 cities and happiness becomes an issue so the war ends. Most units will be upgraded 1 time, but not more then that. A strenght 20...
  5. nerovats


    I read about a lot of post of people claiming to have fully upgraded units. How do you guys do that? The most I get is about 3-4 upgrades. To fully upgrade a unit take how many turn? Close to 100 I think. I never have 100 turns of war in 1 game, let along attack 100 times with 1 unit...
  6. nerovats

    Israel In BNW?

    Israel UA: automatic tile explansion will include tiles owned by other civ UU: Merkava, modern armor replacement, +50% :c5strength: in Dessert UB: Synagogue replaces temple, religious persure extends an extra 3 tiles
  7. nerovats

    Goz-2 The unbelievable dream.

    :coffee: ROSTER gozpel - just played NotSure - up next Beorn – on deck Brichals nerovats
  8. nerovats

    Goz-2 The unbelievable dream.

    This is correct, tested this yesterday. So we get at least 3 more GS's.
  9. nerovats

    Goz-2 The unbelievable dream.

    Wow, can't believe we got the Taj Mahal. Had thought about it in my set, but thought we wouldn't get it. Odd how sometimes wonders go extremely late. Do faith bought GS's also increase the cost of natural GS's? We're still close to Russia in military. So no problems there. Should keep...
  10. nerovats

    Goz-2 The unbelievable dream.

    I also never reload. Mistakes happen, and are part of the game. Also I sometimes do stuoid thing like leaving a unit out in the open or a ship finishes near a city. Goodby unit. Í just don't understand how people can think ships are overpowerd.
  11. nerovats

    Goz-2 The unbelievable dream.

    Pre turn Cardiff get's another scientist Onondaga rearange tiles to get Public school bit quicker Sell silk to Atilla for 240 IBT Egypt wants to be friends, I say ok 1410AD Killed an Ottoman spy Grand River adopted our religion Ivory deal England get's canceled Quebeq calls for...
  12. nerovats

    Goz-2 The unbelievable dream.

    98.6F. About 70F more then over here. Which is to cold, and I don't even have beer :( Next GS will cost 100 points more the next another 100. Not sure where we're at but I'd expect at least 3. We'll see.
  13. nerovats

    Goz-2 The unbelievable dream.

    We'll get more then 2 GS's naturally.
  14. nerovats

    Goz-2 The unbelievable dream.

    Opend the save. Looking good basically. Saw some mm stuff I'll adress. We do need some more culture to finish Rationalism in time. Lot's of GS'sa comming up. Not in my turnset though. We'll need to save them. Plastics in soon. Edinburgh should get Hydroplant next. Then start Eifeltower. Can...
  15. nerovats

    Goz-2 The unbelievable dream.

    Sounds like we're making good progress. Will open save tonight. Then comment. Can play tomorrow evening.
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