Recent content by Q'el Chamyaar

  1. Q

    Space ship victory question...

    By diligent spying I have determined that one of my rival civilisations will complete the last piece of their spaceship on the same turn I will finish my last pieces. Who wins?
  2. Q

    COTM 10: Final Spoiler

    This is my first COTM and my second completed GOTM (I didn't finish another). I enjoyed this one immensely. :) I set out to be like the mongols. Everything was to be based around the Keshiks. I fought no serious battles until I could produce them and never researched any further...
  3. Q

    Can you transport armies across seas?

    Arghhh! I only completed the pentagon at the end of my last campaign. I haven't had cause to use the enlarged armies yet...I guess I shouldn't have been so hasty in expanding them. I guess its not possible to remove a unit from an army?
  4. Q

    Can you transport armies across seas?

    I did a quick search and it didn't turn up any answers, so is it possible to transport armies from one continent to another. At present I have reached Magnetism/Galleons and I am not able to load my armies (4 unit armies with pentagon) on to empty Galleons. Thanks in advance for any answers.
  5. Q

    LOTR: War of the Ring ver. 0.9

    Ok...someone tell me which version of Civ I need to play this? I have CivIII (vanilla). So no king units or anything like that.
  6. Q

    GOTM 31 Pre-Game Discussion

    Quick question about the updated pediaicons.txt file. I had problems finishing GOTM30, Civ3 would crash when it went to the first victory screen, something to do with the angry pic information being missing. The pediaicons.txt file provided in this thread (here) fixed the problem. I notice...
  7. Q

    GOTM 30 Final Spoiler III: Modern Age / End Game Submitted

    My second GoTM. And a lot different from last months. Like others have mentioned I suffered from a lack of oil and since I had set myself the task of getting to the end with out a hostile act (and complete neutrality) my only chance to gain some oil was through cultural hegemony. That failed...
  8. Q

    GOTM 31 Pre-Game Discussion

    I looked at all those stats put up earlier. There maybe high percentages for diety games, but there are far less submissions.
  9. Q

    GOTM 30 Saves Now Available

    [removed by poster] I wouldn't want to spoil anyone else's fun. :)
  10. Q

    Quick Answers

    I have noticed at some point culture producing improvements double their culture production per turn. e.g. a temple is 2 culture per turn & a library 3. But look at your earliest temples and libraries in 1500AD and you will see them producing 4 and 6 culture per turn. Does anyone know...
  11. Q

    GOTM 30 Pre-Game Discussion (Game announcement page is up)

    Maybe the spoiler ban date needs updated to 5/April ? This'll be my second GoTM. I am looking forward to tomorrow. Anyone know what time the game is likely to be released? And sheesh, 3 pages of discussion on two tiles !!
  12. Q

    GOTM 29 Modern age / end game submitted

    Forgot one question. How do you tell how much area you civ occupies and what the total area of the map is. Other posters talk about knowing how many tiles they were from domination ... all I could do was look at the map and guess. So what is the secret?
  13. Q

    GOTM 29 Modern age / end game submitted

    This was my first GotM and my first game on emperor. At first I was just trying it to see how long I would survive. At around 1600s or so I realised I would make it through to the end - the russians and zulus had been eliminated by then, everyone bar the Germans was polite or gracious to me...
  14. Q

    Port of Entry - what is it?

    Thanks for the reply. I am glad now I haven't built the two I have built in the same city. :)
  15. Q

    Port of Entry - what is it?

    Hi, I have done a search on Port of Entry and nothing of use turned up. The civilpeadia entries for it are the same as for the Offshore Platforms, but they certainly do not generate resources in sea squares. What are the ports of entry and what is their effect? Thanks in advance for...
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