Recent content by RamblinWreck

  1. R

    Questions that arise during the game

    The +9 is from resources you have access to. See how you have multiple units selected? The number on the promotion's Icon is how units in the group have that promotion.
  2. R

    Mastering Realism Invictus - Hints and Tips.

    What culture percentage do you usually run? I always tend to ignore it, even in vanilla. I just forget it can give easy happiness too (especially post-Ministry when everywhere has a free theater).
  3. R

    Questions that arise during the game

    Much better! I personally would go for 3, since 4 is a little too close to the existing city for me. Unless I was trying specifically to get resources, though, I'd probably not build a city with so much tundra regardless.
  4. R

    Questions that arise during the game

    I think it would be easier to help if you took a screenshot; it's a bit difficult to tell what the terrain is. Is that tundra?
  5. R

    Slave farms v regular farms

    Looking at the Pedia entries, an irrigated slave farm under Slavery and Pastoral Nomadism would still give one extra food in a city with a Slave Market. But one extra food really isn't worth it on any non-food resource tile. I think if you're running Pastoral Nomadism long-term (which I wouldn't...
  6. R

    Bug Report

    Running into a bug where I cannot build Paramilitary units. I select that to start with, and for one turn it shows that I'm producing that, but then after I end the turn it switches to IFV (with the hammers from that first turn going to the IFV). I'm attaching my save file, as I feel like that's...
  7. R

    Ranking the leader weakness (negative) traits

    I'd say barbaric is a lot less of a "bad" trait and more of a "suggestion". If you have border trouble, just lean into the barbaric behavior and push it back with some war!
  8. R

    Any tutorials on opening strategies?

    Scout scout scout! Where I go early depends a lot on what resources are nearby. So unless I have a specific religion I want (like Zoroastrianism for the cultural playthrough I just did) I want to get through all the techs that expose resources as soon as I can. If I don't have copper within my...
  9. R

    Best way to navigate religion on the way to Cult Of Personality?

    I've spent the last few weeks familiarizing myself with the mod and the  vast amount of new stuff in it. Now that I've gotten a handle on it enough to start planning, I've been thinking up leader/civic combinations to try. One that seems like it would be fun is a Cult of Personality-flavored...
  10. R


    Since the specific outputs of these improvements all depend on what civics you're running, I'd say that's the first criteria I'm looking at. Canals max out under Protectionism (+1 commerce) and later, Planned Economy (+1 commerce, +1 production). So I don't think I'd be looking to canals in most...
  11. R

    [BTS] Favorite wonders, and why?

    Quick question on wonders: I've already figured out that if I'm building a wonder and switch civics, I stop being able to build that wonder (figured this out with Stonehenge and animism). If I build a wonder and then switch out of the civic that allowed it, do I keep getting its effects? EDIT...
  12. R

    A few short(ish) questions about FFH2 mechanics

    1. I'm not sure, but yeah, RNG will just absolutely screw you sometimes. 2. I know Arthendain starts with Medic, let me spin up a game real quick and see what promotions Bambur can get. I'll edit in my findings. EDIT: Bambur doesn't start with Medic I, but he can learn it! It doesn't seem to be...
  13. R

    FfH2 Bug Thread

    I found a pretty fantastic gamebreaker with Immortals and the Black Mirror equipment: any illusion copy of an Immortal (the unit unlocked at Divine Essence, not the promotion) disappears after a turn, as is normal for an illusion. However, those illusions are then reborn in the capital. lacking...
  14. R

    This mod is destroying me. How am I even supposed to play it?

    Lanun isn't a great civ to start with, as they play pretty differently from any vanilla civ. Their focus is the water, the more the better. There's no such seafaring civ in the base game. The Hippus with Tasunke are an easy one to start with: they're powerful and war-oriented. Every FFH civ has...
  15. R

    Best "thematic" religions/civics for each leader?

    When I see discussions about the best civics and religions, they (obviously) tend to be framed in terms of gameplay and strategy. But sometimes, I get in the mood to play how I think a leader  would play, even if that's different than how I should play that leader. In your opinion, what civics...
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