Recent content by RFormica

  1. RFormica

    Help with unit art

    Take a look at these:
  2. RFormica

    Doing art requests

    @SlySlySly I made the leaderhead for Han Wudi. However, my asset editor is bugged, so I can't make the building at the moment. I'll PM you the file.
  3. RFormica

    Doing art requests

    I originally posted this in the Utilities, Code Snippets and Art Assets section, but considering that nobody ever goes there, I figured I might repost it here.
  4. RFormica

    Doing art requests

    Hello, I have been making mods for Civ6 for over 2 years now. I have made 8 alternate leader/civilization mods and contributed to many others. Unfortunately, I haven't had as much free time lately, so I haven't been able to put out much content. However, I'd still like to continue to some...
  5. RFormica

    Natural wonders sweet spots for WB

    That I don't know, sorry
  6. RFormica

    Natural wonders sweet spots for WB

    All of these use DLC
  7. RFormica

    Trouble referencing DLC content in a mod

    Looks like you have just some kind of normal error then, doesn't have to do with LoadOrder
  8. RFormica

    Trouble referencing DLC content in a mod

    In the ModInfo: <Dependencies> <Mod id="1B28771A-C749-434B-9053-D1380C553DE9" title="Expansion: Rise and Fall" /> </Dependencies> This is what you need. It goes after properties. (Change the mod ID to the aztec DLC and change the title)
  9. RFormica

    JFD and Janboruta's Civilizations

    Ok, this is a little complicated. Juliana gets Wilhelmina's base model, but not her leader trait. Technically, she is a name change and trait change of Wilhelmina, so she inherits the base Wilhelmina. The new Wilhelmia is added as a new leader with the UA and (possibly) the agenda of the base...
  10. RFormica

    Rise and Fall: Will it ruin the game?

    Plus, y'know, if it ruins the game, you can just play without it.
  11. RFormica

    [Vanilla] How are we creating Unit Icons these days?

    What kind of unit icons? Unit Flags are just an alpha, Unit Portraits are more complicated. Unit Portraits look like this
  12. RFormica

    error MSB3073

    It should be in Documents/Firaxis ModBuddy/Civilization VI/(Your Project Name)/Cooker.text
  13. RFormica

    error MSB3073

    Try changing the ß into something else, ModBoddy doesn't like any special characters
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