• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .
Rita Poon
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  • Rita, can you help me out? I am thinking of changing out one of the less influential "civilizations" with a more substantial one, such as the Khmer. Your leaderheads look great, and I would like use them. The only problem is that I dont have an .ace file extractor. I thought I had caught up technically when I got an RAR extractor, now I'm finding these .ace files. So I'm trying to find a free ace extractor, thought I had one, and it installed all kinds of stuff on my computer, just about everything EXCEPT an .ace extractor. Frustrating. So...can you recommend a simple .ace extractor that I can download that wont dump a bunch of other junk in my machine? Would appreciate a tip cuz I'd really like to use your creation. Thanks! :)
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