• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Recent content by Ryth

  1. R

    General 'Worker' Concepts

    My hope is that once we've figured out how people use workers then perhaps some suggestions on how they might be improved could happen. Workers for me are a vital part, especially in war - I have quite a few 'set aside' so that when I capture a city I can railroad to it straight away, bringing...
  2. R

    General 'Worker' Concepts

    I just wanted to start a thread to see how people use the workers in the game. Do you automate them automatically, manually put them through each action, or use the single-action automations (e.g. just clear damage :nuke: )? Personally I build two per city as part of the set up, and automate...
  3. R

    New Wonders

    Um, Dreadnought? :crazyeye: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=85330 It's still on the front page, even! Good couple of pages worth of ideas... :blush:
  4. R

    Civ Sitter

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :clap: I actually keep the sound file for "the drones need you" in my random list for listening to during Civ - it's a great reminder to check the clock, and maybe the food you started cooking 2 1/2 hrs ago (really crisp chips!) :ack:
  5. R

    Civ 4 Palace

    sir_schwick - love your ideas! :clap: Perhaps the player can simply have those options: after a long bloody war the head-on-a-pike appeals, but a surgical strike in the modern age, well, a dignified statue (maybe a memorial plaque in the background for fallen soldiers) is far more...
  6. R

    small weak cities

    I like this idea but it would be really hard to figure out when and how. As a civ the cities could have their choice affected by things like nationalism (duh!), size and general happiness (how does the current leadership take care of me?), and individual cities with the number of military units...
  7. R

    How About A Building Sequence For the Cities?

    I'm very much in favour of Buliding Lists - although it changes as I develop new buildings, obviously, its still pretty standard (Temple, 2x workers, aquaduct, harbour, courthouse, library...). But if this was implemented it's need to have those differant options, and after each tech development...
  8. R

    When are you going to get Civ4?

    Thanks Elagalad, but I'm a poor University student and don't have a credit card! So the internet option isn't one for me. Besides, like you I'm looking forward to hearing what everyone here thinks of it, and seeing if when the extensions come out. Cheers tho. :)
  9. R

    When are you going to get Civ4?

    I've voted to get it within the first week, but that's qualified by the fact I live in the "wopwops" - it won't be released in NZ until possibly 6months after it's avalible in the USA/UK etc.
  10. R

    Civ4 VS. SMAC

    Absolutly agree with you, Trip. I still really enjoy SMAC, very occasionally, especially the in-game unit editor - so many options! I prefer the Gaians, and basically only used the Mind Worm units (the swarms are absolutly the best unit in the game! - hmmm.... vs. Moden Armour would be...
  11. R

    Icebergs, freezing seatiles, more dynamic worldmap and weather

    I haven't much to say except I really like this idea. It doesn't have to be a huge thing, perhaps "Istanbul has had low rainfall this year - 3 tiles have produced 1 less food each." Give's the Domestic Advisor something else to do! Smaller random effects like rainy seas and icebergs are...
  12. R

    Civ Sitter

    I used to play a game (pre-C3C) called Dungeon Keeper which if you played from midnight to 1 all spells were "Half Price" (witching hour), and at 3am it had a pop up saying "Even naughty imps go to their lairs sometimes", then another pop up at 4 and 5am. Humorous, short, in the tone of the...
  13. R

    New Civilizations

    AUSRALASIA AUSTRALASIA AUSTRALASIA - not Oceania. :gripe: Anyway.... I love how many people are calling for a Maori Civ, 'cept there are 7 tribes which came to NZ from 'Hawaiki' and settled seperatly but at the same time, so a single leaderhead would be hard, maybe Tane Mahuta (think...
  14. R

    Province System: Creation

    How about having physical province lines, and all the barbars in it are called one group, and the first city you build in that area must be called Geat (or whatever) and it is the capital of that province. It'd get a bonus of once pop point of that nationality, and a map of the province, since...
  15. R

    Helicopters can medi-vac troops

    I've always thought that units should be able to heal in any kind transport. Its frustrating to put units into a boat then 5turns later they haven't even gone up one point, when if they'd been on land they would have.
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