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New Wonders


Mar 15, 2004
New Jersey, USA
Here are some wonders/improvements I think should be in Civ4 (note that I do not include cost):


1. Star Wars: Takes place of Intergrated Defense System, same effects as IDS. (Star Wars was a US project in the 1980s made to destroy missles from space.)

2. Statue of Liberty: Increase content citizens made by 2. (This means two extra citizens are born content). Comes with Democracy (I really don't know what else to have it come with).

3.Kremlin: Increases bombard defense of the city its made it by 70%, 35% in all others on the same continent; increases unit defense in its city by 30%, 15% in all others (on continent). Comes with Military Tradition

4. Metallergy Labratory: Doubles money given to the treasury in its city (comes with Metallergy).

5. Berlin Wall: Decreases population that leaves each city when forced labor is activated by half. Comes with Communism.

6. Notra Dame: Makes 4 unhappy people content in its city and 2 in all others. Comes with Monothesism.

Any comments?
1. Star Wars is the nickname of SDI project.
2. This is what I consider a 'giveable' wonder. We should definatley have these in CIV4. Trojan horses, Statue of Liberty, London Bridge...wonders that give perks to 2 civs...and sometimes don't work out exactly as thought.
3. Not really too accurate for the Kremlin, but something that spawns a 'civil defence' type improvement might be neat.
4. I don't know.
5. Hmm...
6. Ugh.

If these aren't serious, why do you have them in the Civ4 forum?
1. +1. SDI is OK.
2. Yes, that is the symbol of modern democracy
3. maybe
4. where does it exist?
5. good idea
6. maybe, but thinking the religion concept of civ4, should be available to christian world. for islam, suleymaniye, mascid-i aksa (dome of the rock) or mascid-i haram ........ you understand, a religion-specific great wonder i mean. (this way sistine chapel and js bach's should be reconsidered)
Professional Sport (Small Wonder)
  • Shield Cost: 400
  • Culture: 5
  • Requires: The Corporation, At Least 5 Colosseums
  • Expire: Never
  • Effect: Doubles the happiness effect of all Colosseums.

If Radio still existed, I would put it there, since it was the advent of Radio that made sports like Baseball (in the United States) and Hockey (in Canada) really take off in popularity.

- Rep.
What about something like the Maginot Line that the french had to defend itself from Germany (even though Germany just went around it) but this wonder could be built in a city on a hill or adjacent to a mountain and give a def. bonus to the city(s) or have a bombard feature that bombard enemy units when they get close
Or how about Stonehenge
Reprisal said:
If Radio still existed, I would put it there, since it was the advent of Radio that made sports like Baseball (in the United States) and Hockey (in Canada) really take off in popularity.

- Rep.

Wait, Radio no longer exists? What's that tech that gives Radar Towers, then? This is the second time I've heard someone talk about Radio being removed, and I'm completely confused, because I have Conquests and it's still there! Even if it really is gone, and I've got a weird game, there's no reason that it wouldn't be back in CivIV (Heck, you can mod it in right now, if you wanted).

@ Pete- Maginot Line makes no sense. It did absolutely nothing and lives on as nothing more that an example of failing to move on with the times. Stonehenge, however, looks good. What would it do, though? (I recall it being in Double Your Pleasure, but I don't remember what it did).

@ Dreadnaught-

Star Wars- Failed, didn't it? Besides, if it were included, it would be too overpowering for a single civ to own. I never liked SDI, anyway. I'm hoping that CivIV uses a MAD system to deter nuclear attacks (see the topic "Missile Silos")

Statue of Liberty- This is a good idea. Also, I've heard a lot of talk about making this a "giftable" Wonder. I don't really understand this. If I build a Wonder, I should be the one to get the advantages, not some other sap who spends all his time building nothing!

Kremlin- I don't understand why it would provide anti-bombard defense. Care to enlighten me?

Metallurgy Labratory- So like an Iron Works except with Commerce?

Berlin Wall- Sounds good. Naturally, it would only be available under the government Communism.

Notre Dame- I'm not sure about this. If it is included, it would make more sense for it to go under "Theology."
kreml: it was originally built as a fortress-palace, not as a communist party headquarters. In its aspect as a fortress, it makes perfect sense to give it a defence bonus. However, by the age in which it appears, it couldnt hope to defend any meaningful part of the city, so maybe it should be some kind of forbidden palace/corruption reducer instead.
Mewtarthio said:
Stonehenge, however, looks good. What would it do, though? (I recall it being in Double Your Pleasure, but I don't remember what it did).
How about it reduces unhappyness in the modern Era, because your people are to busy wondering what the bejesus that stupid pile of rocks is for to be unhappy?

But realy, this brings a new Idea to mind:
Time delayed wonders!

I'll elaborate on that more later, as I have to go now.
Mewtarthio, this is in the 1.22 patch. You now need Advanced Flight for radar towers.
How about a Multinational Corporation small wonder, allowing the owner to transfer 25% of either shield or maintenence costs in that city to a city in another, less advanced civ? It would act as a manufacturing plant in the partner city and it could recieve a boost in their tax revenue to offset the garnished production. Not only would this create an economic benefit, but it would encourage peace, as going to war with the partner nation would cancel the effect of the wonder (either permanently, or until peace is reatained and relations are repaired.)
Mewtarthio said:

Statue of Liberty- This is a good idea. Also, I've heard a lot of talk about making this a "giftable" Wonder. I don't really understand this. If I build a Wonder, I should be the one to get the advantages, not some other sap who spends all his time building nothing!

I agree with you here, if I waste the shields to build a wonder, I better see some sort of profit/effect for it.
Dreadnought said:
1. Star Wars: Takes place of Intergrated Defense System, same effects as IDS. (Star Wars was a US project in the 1980s made to destroy missles from space.)
Can you say: "Copyright infringement"? ;)
bah! why is everything war related these days? in my opinion everyone needs a disney land:)
Blitzkrieg: small wonder. When the Civ declares war for the first three turns (or other, depending on game balance), assault units (like Modern Armor) double their movement points and attack points, but half their defense points.
This will enable attackers to achieve tactical surprise and can make wars not just a war of attrition, but re-introduce some maneuvering.
@ The Maginot Line was just a series of super fortified position stationed along the French-German border...it you want that build some fortifications, fill them with infantry and some artillery.

@ Although the idea is kind of unique, Blitzkrieg was and still is a style of warfare. The whole idea is to hit the enemy with everything you have as quickly as you can so you completely and descisively defeat them. This can also be achieved by simply building up your military with lots of quick moving units [calvary, tanks (although they are only 2 MPs), and modern armor).

@ Giftable wonders would benefit both civilizations...perhaps doubleing the benefits of a trade. Set up a 50 turn MPP. In the case of the statue of liberty it represented democracy which was the form of government that the USA and France had so maybe that wonder in particular would double the effects of democracy for both countries. However, this would only be the case if both countries had democratic governments.
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