Recent content by steve7811

  1. S

    Worst Unique Unit

    What I wanted to mention is that sometimes a unit is better off with higher base strength than percentage modifying bonus against certain units. It doesn't happen all the time though. When you are literally putting a dog soldier vs an axeman on the open field without any terrain modifiers...
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    ALC Game 20: Vikings/Ragnar

    Long time lurker of ALC threads. So good to see so many people chipping in and participating. Can't wait to see how the game plays itself out. I am also in the camp for the Great Lighthouse, Oracle and Colossus. On the issue of Great Lighthouse, I believe that the short term benefits are...
  3. S

    All Leaders Challenge Game 19: Sumer/Gilgamesh

    Sisiutil, Your ALC games are extremely educational and entertaining. I am a long time lurker that recently registered, and I periodically check the forums every day, anticipating next updates. I have learned a lot, just from reading your posts and following along with the save files posted...
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    Emperor Level Challenge: Mansa Musa

    Hi Orion, You are most likely right. I am not very good with tech beelining and tech trading strategies. In the easier levels, it is easy enough to tech by yourself and win, but at a level like this, smart tech beelining and tech trading pay off huge dividends. What you pointed out makes...
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    Emperor Level Challenge: Mansa Musa

    Thanks for the comments Cabledawg. I have taken your advice and built the cities as you mentioned. I hope the tile you are mentioning about the Iron Works site is the same as the one I picked. Anyhow, I will make this round very short this time since I went picture crazy in the last post...
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    Emperor Level Challenge: Mansa Musa

    Oh and the save file for 100 AD is included here.
  7. S

    Emperor Level Challenge: Mansa Musa

    Here we go. Round 3. 225 BC: Code of Laws is researched. I switch immediately to Caste System for now. Aesthetics is chosen as my next tech choice. HC adopts HR. 175 BC: Temple of Artemis and Temple of Solomon are built in a far away land. 150 BC: I build my 4th city, Gao, on the...
  8. S

    Emperor Level Challenge: Mansa Musa

    Ah... great that screen shots are working out nice now. :) And to clarify the fresh water situation at the capital, I believe that it is indeed gained from the lake and not the river. Anyhow, I took bits and bits of advices from everyone and decided to build a copper city and harass Zara...
  9. S

    Emperor Level Challenge: Mansa Musa

    Okay... CS slingshot or economic war against Zara... would it be possible to do both? I am thinking hard on this, but don't have access to the game yet as I haven't gotten off work yet. Kmad... finally I got those pictures to look good... thank god. :) Cabledawg... which save file did you...
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    Emperor Level Challenge: Mansa Musa

    I managed to play a few more turns before I had to skip over to work for the rest of the day. I researched mysticism and pottery, and now on my way to writing. Apparently Hammurabi founds Judaism and converts to it immediately, while switching his civics to organized religion. That probably...
  11. S

    Emperor Level Challenge: Mansa Musa

    Some quick responses: @ Polycrates: Disrupting Zara with skirmishers sounds very interesting. I reckon he's already got 2 cities up at least and aiming for 3rd if it is not already set up. Though if I want to do this, I can't realistically expect to capture his cities. It would most likely...
  12. S

    Emperor Level Challenge: Mansa Musa

    My position is quite funky in a way that I don't know how I would try to lay out my first batch of cities if the primary objective was to block the two known AI's expansion. Assuming that Incas are north of the jungle, I would absolutely have to grab that copper next to me, but then what? Do I...
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    Emperor Level Challenge: Mansa Musa

    Ah... I noticed that. I am not too good with these web posting. I haven't done much of this stuff and I am such a newb. Thank you for your patience and understanding. I will try to make it as easy as possible. About the scouting... I wish I could have done much better job of it. I know...
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    Emperor Level Challenge: Mansa Musa

    Is anyone out there who uses wide screen that knows how to post good looking screen shots without having to scroll? Sorry about the problem with the screen shot if it is difficult to see.
  15. S

    Emperor Level Challenge: Mansa Musa

    Here is the screen shot for Timbuktu just as soon as it was founded. Moving SW direction, my warrior popped a hut for 52 gold and continued on. 3720 BC I ran into 2 of my neighbors: Zara and Hammurabi. Not exactly crazy nutjobs like Tokugawa or Monty, but they are dangerous. I don't like...
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