Recent content by Stylesrj

  1. Stylesrj

    DRAW Your Own Story: At Plot's End

    Thorvald, I'm annoyed at you for making that comic... I did a spit-take from all the laughter! :lol:
  2. Stylesrj

    DRAW Your Own Story: At Plot's End

    Sorry, but I could not resist...
  3. Stylesrj

    DRAW Your Own Story: At Plot's End

    We cannot and must not have a shoe gap!
  4. Stylesrj

    DRAW Your Own Story: At Plot's End

    Seconded. Although I don't think it's possible thanks to Photobucket shenanigans.
  5. Stylesrj

    DRAW Your Own Story: At Plot's End

    Who's next? Well, is there anything you can salvage from my comics to rip into? :D
  6. Stylesrj

    DRAW Your Own Story: At Plot's End

    Can't... breathe...
  7. Stylesrj

    DRAW Your Own Story: At Plot's End

    A fatal exception error has occurred in Stylesrj.exe. The current application will be terminated. Press any key to continue. Oh right, Photobucket...
  8. Stylesrj

    DRAW Your Own Story: At Plot's End

    Look, if Thorvald does the same thing to me and my comics, I'm sure I'd be laughing like Drax The Destroyer
  9. Stylesrj

    DRAW Your Own Story: At Plot's End

    Well you see it involves and well ummm it has that thing with ummm... and then that other thing and it... well... it's funny, ok?
  10. Stylesrj

    DRAW Your Own Story: At Plot's End

    Thorvald please... if this keeps up, I'll asphyxiate from all the laughter. :lol:
  11. Stylesrj

    The DYOS Consul

    So you don't take cashdollars? Damn, that's the only money I use these days.
  12. Stylesrj

    The DYOS Consul

    Moons can be replaced. I'm sure CivGeneral would throw in some explanation as to why the moon would reappear if someone decides that Earth needs it for their plot. "As it turns out, Coruscant replaced the moon with a repainted Death Star so the tides would be restored" Or "Some giant space moth...
  13. Stylesrj

    The DYOS Consul

    I'm still around, just that I can't think of anything on how to jump back in.
  14. Stylesrj

    The DYOS Consul

    How about my other character Tabitha Mia instead of my usual Captain Rufus Dragonhelper person. This is one of the best pictures I have on my list of pictures.
  15. Stylesrj

    The DYOS Consul

    Problem is though that everyone will just hire mercs for the job and not bother with their actual forces. "Why build a tank when I can order in a Battlemaster from Kwai?"
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