Can forests/jungles grow on improved cattle or bison tiles, for example? It only mentions being incompatible with features, not resources or other improvements; camps can be built on forests/jungles
Does the Maloca connect resources? if I understand it correctly, they can only be built on tiles...
Does planting any GPTI boost all bulb effects? e.g. if you make a citadel, will the GS's science and GM's gold + WLTKD be boosted?
I believe all 3 counters will still scale normally, but any resulting GPs are replaced
I think the Terrace Farm could at least get a base yield of 1 production; Pata-Pata is currently 1F, 2P
would the Agribusiness and Harappan Reservoir (or any other building that gives yields to farms that may exist) provide yields to Terrace Farms as well?
The policy locks on the UNWs seems excessive, you're already limited to building just one of them
both UUs being limited and buffing nearby units is also excessive, and a bit redundant even if they're different domains
does the NW part of Grandeur apply to all NWs, or just ones with a building...
It would go from being OP, to being one of the weakest UBs
the GE points on finishing buildings is unique, though I don't know if it's too strong at 10%
(also the -2 unhappiness from urbanization is different from the base factory's -1, though the original proposal doesn't have that underlined)
Being a recon UU makes much more sense for minutemen, though railroads is a bit of a weird unlock for them; nearly half a century after in the real world
Definitely prefer this over the current Sweden, not a fan of obligate warmongers (though current Sweden does at least have some advantage towards a different victory condition)
Perhaps consider making the culture to Academies also apply to Manufactories and Customs Houses, but lower the value to...
Merchants of Venice already give a free market (and monument) in settled cities
plus, it would be a progression skip (MoVs can technically be obtained before trade, but that would be quite the tech detour)
albeit there are only 2 buildings unlocked immediately; a free shrine could be...
In the description you have the Salon as replacing the Gallery (and also doesn't mention its lack of a prerequisite)
Maybe the Salon could be moved to Scientific Theory? It's only 2 techs behind Archaeology, but it makes it so that both buildings aren't unlocked at the same tech, and fits...
Would be nice if they got a hills bias (back), both for flavor and to facilitate UI placement
edit: thought they had a hills bias in the base game, guess I got confused with the Mehal Sefari starting with drill
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