(8-15) 4UC Ethiopia

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Aug 9, 2017
Alberta, Canada
This is a thread for discussing the addition of 2 more unique components to the Ethiopian civilization.

Spoiler Full kit with 4UC changes :


Spoiler Description of new components and changes to existing kit, differences from base component are underlined: :

UM - Chewa (replaces Longswordsman):
Available at Steel
150 :c5production: Production Cost
requires 1 iron​
24 :c5strength: CS​
"Cover I"​
"Maim" (On Attack reduces starting :c5moves: Movement of Enemy Unit by 1)​
"Hooked Weapon" (25% :c5strength: CS vs Mounted Units. Lost after unit upgrade)​
UI - Monolithic Church (Worker Improvement):
available at Theology
build time - 10 turns
must be built on unfeatured Hill or Stone
cannot be adjacent to each other
improves Stone Resources
+1 :c5production: Production and +1 :c5faith: Faith​
Yields from Monolithic Church scale with Policies, Beliefs and Ideologies instead of technology:
+1 :c5culture: Culture for every Ancient Era policy tree completed​
+1 :c5faith: Faith for every Medieval Era policy tree completed​
+1 :c5science: Science for every Industrial Era policy tree completed​
+2 :c5gold: Gold for adopting an Ideology​
+1 :c5faith: Faith for every Pantheon belief​
+1 :c5culture: Culture for every Founder belief​
+1 :c5production: Production for every Follower belief​
+1 :c5culture: Culture for every Enhancer belief​
+1 :c5gold: Gold for Reformation belief​


Add Hills start bias
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Unfeatured hills -> hills
Add "Removes features"

Hidden feature of Maim:
As a plague placer on a melee unit, it's applied on defense against melee too.
Reducing movement still lasts one more turn than intended and hasn't been fixed, IIRC. The unit can't heal on the turn after the plague expires since it doesn't have full movement.
Speaking of movement modifiers, last time I played Persia, their golden age movement bonus is entirely shifted by one turn :
  • The very first turn, all units have one less movement point than maximum (ie melee have 2/3).
  • The turn following the end of the GA, all units have one more movement point than maximum (ie melee have 3/2).
Probably the game regenerate movement points at end of turn, so any modifiers applied in the meantime is not accounted for.
OR movement points regenerate before plague removal, or golden age calculation.
Unfeatured hills -> hills
Add "Removes features"
Typo. Should read with no resources.

It’s a bit confusing, the mono church can be built on any hill with no resources and not adjacent to another mono church, or on stone… which is a resource.

Also the mono church on stone don’t block hill churches. Stone is in effect a freebie.
Would be nice if they got a hills bias (back), both for flavor and to facilitate UI placement

edit: thought they had a hills bias in the base game, guess I got confused with the Mehal Sefari starting with drill
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Typo. Should read with no resources.

It’s a bit confusing, the mono church can be built on any hill with no resources and not adjacent to another mono church, or on stone… which is a resource.

Also the mono church on stone don’t block hill churches. Stone is in effect a freebie.
Huh, so "stone makes valid" overrides "(must be) no adjacent"? That shouldn't happen...
Would be nice if they got a hills bias (back), both for flavor and to facilitate UI placement
Hills are common enough everywhere...
The stone and hill monolithic churches are 2 separate improvements, like how the marsh polder was implemented
So you actually intended for it to do so? Really hard to explain in text...
I don't feel like giving them a bonus for completing a tree is anything special. That's just era scaling by another name.

Now if you want to make it interesting, you could give it the bonus for every tree STARTED. So now you could do this strat of xmas treeing the policies and get rewarded for it with the church. Now that would be cool and interesting.
That would put the monolithic church in direct opposition to the free techs that Ethiopia gets for completing trees. It doesn’t sound fun to choose between your UA and your UI like that.
That would put the monolithic church in direct opposition to the free techs that Ethiopia gets for completing trees. It doesn’t sound fun to choose between your UA and your UI like that.
ah fair point forgot about that part of the UA
Overall grade: A+
Ethiopia’s extra components are better than the base components, full stop. The 1 thing holding back Ethiopia’s 4UC kit is the overlap between the 2 different infantry UUs, but the 4UC one is better and the base VP one is the one that should change.

- S. The Chewa were the Ethiopian equivalent of knights. A central institution of Ethiopian medieval society. The Shotel the UU model uses in-game is an iconic and uniquely Ethiopian scythe-sword. Nothing else looks or fights like these men in world history.
Mechanics - A. This is where the plague promotions started. Chewa is the daddy of the entire plague promo system. Boarding party has the bonuses it currently has because the Chewa had them first. Is it totally amazing and unique now? Not anymore now that the main mod has so thoroughly copied 4UC’s homework, but that’s the only reason this isn’t an ‘S’.
Uniqueness - C. There are 2 other unique longswords. At the end of the day, The Chewa does not massively alter how you would use these infantry units. Furthermore, the unit is hurt by Ethiopia’s other UU – the Mehal Sefari – having the same combat line, so the two can upgrade into each other. However the Mehal Sefari is not as important or cool as the Chewa. The MS is the inferior unit; it should change, not this beautiful boy.

Monolithic Church
Theme - B.
It is a bit strange seeing these structures, which are specific to a single province of Ethiopia, but they are one of the first things people think of when they hear “Ethiopia”
Mechanics - S. The mono church gains yields on the same triggers as the free techs from the UA. It has brilliant synergy and coherence with the rest of the kit.
Uniqueness - S. It’s a unique improvement with a unique build prerequisite, a gorgeous model, and a unique yield progression that ties in with the UA. I think this component sets the bar for excellent components
So the Monolithic Church can in principle have a lot of its yields by just adding them to every single pantheon, founder belief, ..., Policy tree finisher, etc.
However even if we do that I don't think there is an easy way to give yields for adopting an ideology? So at the least we need a Improvement_YieldFromIdeology table

The mod implementation has two improvements, one normal and one for stone. This is done so they can be built next to each other -- Azum's counter is to remove this. If it isn't removed I'm not sure the best way to implement it other than this slightly janky way.
I had to remove the implementation that gave yields on each belief because it exploded the UI.
Also is it finally time to fix the temporary movement buff/debuff bug? The buff/debuff should expire before movement is restored, not after.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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