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  • i'm sure this is a bit too late, but will extreme mod ever make its way back to the public? or is it practically lost forever? it was one of the best mods for civ 4 i've played so far. it'd be a shame for it to just disappear.
    HI tc.....thanks for your reply at CivFantics. Looking for a combo of SP settings that would make for good MP practice (ie., maybe shorten the MP learning curve a little!). Especially interested in the 1v1 league play at CP, but also team play. I am trying these settings: duel, pangea, deity, quick pace, domination with no barbs, CS or ruins. Good MP practice? Most games collapse to nearly pure defense, making impossible to experiment with say, ICS or wonder rush. Any suggestions other than just jump in?!
    Like your new avatar! :goodjob: Put a larger image on your user profile page also. (Good looking title by the way.)
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