Recent content by trevor

  1. trevor

    Civ-specific ranks collection thread

    Should Nelson Rockefeller be at the bottom of the American list for, ahem, similar reasons?
  2. trevor

    [Feature] Additional Wonders

    Cyrus W Field should absolutely be a Great Engineer.
  3. trevor

    Leoreth Plays Congo

    Given the priors of the Zanj Rebellion, one could also argue for a Muslim civ slave unit that could be used to build mines/farms/orchards in addition to plantations. It'd be really helpful to have a Swahili civ though to better represent the Indian Ocean slave trade & not just leave it to an...
  4. trevor

    Suggestions and Requests

    The natural outgrowths of which (cheap land & institutional racism) were suburban sprawl—they're gifts that keep on giving!
  5. trevor

    Modern Unit Upgrades Brainstorm/Discussion

    Is this necessary though? Before I get to that point, let's talk about what the gunpowder units represent in historical developments: Arquebusier: match-lit, ranged support in the age of shot & pike Musketeer: flintlock, primary field unit that fights in formation Grenadier: grenades, assault...
  6. trevor

    Bug Reports and Technical Issues

    I've got one from Congresses: File "Popups", line 192, in handle_choice File "Congresses", line 220, in applyIntroduction File "Congresses", line 1030, in selectClaims NameError: global name 'lAmerica' is not defined ERR: Python function PopupLauncher failed, module CvPopupInterface
  7. trevor

    Bug Reports and Technical Issues

    Just updated to today's commit & getting this too.
  8. trevor

    Dawn of Civilization General Discussion

    For instance these values from China & Ethiopia:
  9. trevor

    Dawn of Civilization General Discussion

    Vikings seems to have really terrible economic stability problems from about the Reformation to the 1900s. A under-the-hood problem I've noticed is that the overall stability score can be -1 or -2 but their level is "collapsing" (with the turn timer still at -1). I've absolutely seen civs...
  10. trevor

    [Development] Map Suggestions

    Didn't we have a multi-page conversation about this a couple years back? Seattle should be a coastal city & able to produce boats. I think the problem here is that the map is Robinson & that emphasizes that California's westernmost point is further west than Oregon & Washington State as...
  11. trevor

    Leaderhead art requirements

    I mean, he was a corrupt & paranoid wacko but I think I'd shell out a couple bucks to see a Futurama-style Nixon leaderhead.
  12. trevor

    Completely Dumb Ideas

    Who knew Soren would be so on the nose?!
  13. trevor

    Civilisation Attributes open discussion

    Something to do with insurance? Lloyd's of London started in a coffee house. Similarly, the life insurance industry got it's contemporary start in Scotland. Maybe replace current UP with something else & give the city maintenance bonus to a coffee house/warehouse UB (the idea being that because...
  14. trevor

    Civilisations Collapse far too frequently and easily

    I find that if Vikings/Sweden don't collapse (usually for me in the 1500s/1600s after the Reformation) they become a tech giant on par with England.
  15. trevor

    Favorite Civics Revision

    That's a pretty damn interesting mod.
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