Version 2.3
-merged in veBear's new Norway citynamelist
-added veBear's new scenario
-added veBear's new civilopedia for Norway
-added Better BUG AI
-added a missing case MISSION_RBOMBARD to CvSelectionGroup that caused a CTD
-partly merged in Better BUG AI revision 100 and 101
-added the max units per tile option
-fixed AI training settlers in new built cities, they will concentrate to workers and units first
-fixed a possible crash with LeadFromBehind calling Surround and Destroy wrong time
-fixed AI logic when hiring units
-fixed a CTD when running intolerant and the old capital was captured and you changed civic
-fixed Football Stadium's button
-changed the max exp after upgrade back to 10
-changed Survival require Combat V
-fixed: when bombarding improvements, you could miss but still gain exp
-changed: removed the -20% War weariness from Mobilization
-changed: modern road requires motorized transport
-removed the ability to upgrade pre-dreadnoughts into torpedoboats
-changed monasteries to require statereligion and cathedrals to national wonders to prevent culture/science spamming
-updated Better BUG AI to revision 105
-updated BUG to revision 2239
-fixed: you can no longer rbombard your own improvements
-fixed the WeLoveTheKingDay event
-nerfed industry improvements
-fixed public works' and ice hotel's buttons
-fixed a small bug in civ naming when running absolutism
-removed the upgrade from machine guns to armored cars to prevent them getting city garrison promotions
-fixed the projects' help text
-balanced Ruthless AI code, the AI isn't forced to build a huge SoD but that doesn't mean you should trust them
-added: pinch promotions require copper, should make copper more valuable
-added a possiblity to remove marsh
-added veBear's suggestions
Version 2.23
-added new button for Absolutism
-swapped heavy and dense industries arts
-changed the dense industry to be little better than heavy (no unhappiness and more hammers)
-changed the machine gun have +25% combat vs mounted units
-changed combustion to require armored vehicles
-changed pre-dreadnought to require only iron
-fixed a CTD when changing from Monarchy to any other religion
-added a World War I scenario
Version 2.22
-changed Austria-Hungary's adjective to Austrian and short desc to Austria
-fixed Soviet Union naming with Dynamic Civ names
-changed the score board to show the entire civ name
-tweaked leader war rands
Version 2.21
-changed the civ limit back to 36
-added a fixed version of 20 century scenario
Version 2.2
-added new city names for Norwegian cities
-added has met check to trade penalty
-added Surround and Destroy modcomp
-fixed, you won't get great general points from rbombarding
-succesfully added an iHealth tag to ImprovementInfos
-added heavily modified great generals from barbarian combat modcomp
-added cultural citystyles 0.95
-added a traits page to sevopedia
-slowered improvement building
-changed industrious trait to give only +25% wonder production
-fixed german rifleman button
-fixed a crash because of a missing building art define
-added vicinity bonus tags to unitinfos and buildinginfos
-changed fort's modern art define a bit
-changed ironworks to normal building but made it require iron in city's vicinity
-reduced iron appereance to the same level as in the original game
-added Multiple Production game mod
-fixed bug, you could rebase airplanes to bridges
-added modern routes, finaly
-added lead from behind modcomp
-updated GWmod to 1.10
-added hover text on improvement build info to show improvement's health change
-ranged bombard, you can bombard enemy units in frindly terrotory
-added episionage process that can only be build if having communism ideology
-added bNoUnhappinessInCapital to CivicInfos + AI code
-fixed: now negative military unit production bonus should work
-fixed: bug in civilopedia showing unit bombardrate twice
-fixed: bug in ranged bombard AI, caused a crash
-added better air interception, Occasional Promotions, Ruthless AI, barbarian world,
barbarian generals game options
-fixed: barbarian world's and barbarian generals' descriptions were wrong
-moved field medic, survival and skimisher promotions to DLL
-readded musketman and rifling
-added attitude modifiers to civics
-added civic flavors
-managed to hide permanent improvements, monor civ and barbarian civ and leader in sevopedia
-fixed a CTD on modern era start
-hire unit works
-updated Better BTS AI to 1.00
-fixed: can hire units only when running hired army civic
-removed unique unit artstyles
-updated cultural citystyles to 0.98
-added leader craphics to pilsudski
-added war prizes and super spies
-added heavily modified dynamic civ names
-added religion/ideology buttons and icons
-marsh terrain has been added to map generation
-added PerfectWorld2 mapscript and modified it to add marsh
-fixed bug receiving gold from dispanding units outside your borders
-removed UNITAI_ATTACK from light cannon, should prevent the AI from using it to explore
Version 2.15
-added diplomacy texts to shaka
-changed most of the leader's way they act
-merged small text files into bigger files
-fixed the Earth map scenario
-added bunch of new civics and edited the old ones
-cavalry tactics doesn't require scientific method
-mobilization no longer gives -50% war weariness
-fixed modern privateer's cost
-removed stats box from leader head page in civilopedia
-fixed some of the events and quests
-added a 7th ideology to fix the TGA file
-raised light cannon's cost
-fixed mexican early cavalry button
-changed theory of relativity to indutrial era
-fixed bug you couldn't convert to any ideology
-added buildings for anarcism ideology
-changed radar station's position in city choose production list
-changed many of the tanks' abilities
-flamethrower requires physics and indutrialism
-packed art files and imported cPickle as pickle
Version 2.1
-added Global Warming mod
-added marsh in global warming cycle
-added flavor religion civics to some leaders
-civic fascism requires fascism state religion
-resized early tank, ironclad battleship and bunker improvement
-made coal, iron, oil and horse appear more often
-reduced research speed
-fixed egypt worker unit
-fixed issue that artillery couldn't RBombard
-airplanes can now destroy routes
-added some AI logic to it
-changed ranged bombard to do more damage to units
-fixed V1 and guided missile animations
-redid the tech tree
-balanced research speed
-added buid cost to railroad
-fixed error in tech research
-added new leader head graphics for Nehru
-fixed the dawnofman bug
-added <iDCMBombRangeChange> tag to PromotionInfos
-can RBombard only units you can see
-added <iDCMBombAccuracyChange> tag to PromotionInfos
-you get experience from bombarding
-fixed bug you couldn't trade the techs I had added
-help text should now appear correctly in projects
-fixed bug with greece SoTL
-fixed israelian diplomacy text
-removed christian monastery from building class infos
-fixed makefile to be able to build debug DLLs
-resized some units
-added a seafring trait
-changed some religion texts to ideology
-added shaka and the zulus back
-route air bombing can now be turned off if you want in GlobalDefinesAlt
-changed AI logic to bombing only routes (most likely won't target tiles with only route)
-fixed brazilian early cavalry button
-made uhlan and cossack require same techs as cavalry
-KV1 requires same things as heavy tank
-reduced marathon turns to 1200
-aggressive doesn't give +50% production of drydock
-changed some of the leader's traits
-commented out unused unit-,leader head- and movie graphics from ArtDefines
-changed George I to philosiphical and expansive
-added help text to mobilization civic
Version 2.0
-added JRouteNative and fixed borders
-added new terrain, marsh
-fixed few mistakes
-added lots of new units and unit graphics
-added more wonders, traits, civics and promotions
-fixed the marsh desert error
-added totally new religions and changed religions into political movements/ideologies
-improved diplomacy texts
-fixed archery and melee popups
-changed the max experience after upgrade to 999 (you won't lose any experience after upgrade anymore)
-fixed the Gustav V leaderhead eyebrown problem
-fixed tornado and volcano events, again
-fixed the mysterious crash
-added new religion buildings
-changed jaeger stats
-removed useless obsolated events
-added text message and button when unit survives from combat
-improved civics
-removed monastries completely
-fixed Russian modern armor skin
-added democracy tech
-fixed peak on city error...again
-redid some event texts
-made tornado disappear faster
-removed all free wins vs barbarians
-changed tornado event to add city ruins if there is cottage, hamlet, etc.
-mod now works with 3.19
-removed JRouteNative and fixed borders
-removed unused definitions in BuildingClassInfos.xml and UnitClassInfos.xml
-balanced research speed
-removed ability to found cities on marsh
Version 1.2
-changed WW2 transport to not needing oil and uranium
-Scenario Earth 1800: added 2 riflemen and 1 worker to Portugal
-added new main menu screen
-lowered the appereance of tornado event
-fixed the flamethrower flame
-fixed guerrilla button error
-fixed WW2 Transport graphic error
-added attitude icons
-added three new civs: Iraq, Iran and Vietnam
-added leaders to them
-redid some of the flags and buttons
-added civilopedia texts to the new civs and leaders
-removed unitcombats archer and melee
-added BETTER BTS AI v0.60 and Ranged Bombard
-lowered maw civ limit to 36
-fixed that event error when a mountain appeared on city
Version 1.1
-fixed some writing mistakes
-removed JRouteNative
-changed civ limit to 40
-added graphical events Volcano and Tornado
-added era name
-new flags added for every civ
-added bunch of new units and technologies
-changed amphibious promotion reguire Amphibious Warfare
-fixed city name and tech splash popup screens
-a new unit combat type added
-added new tech splash screen
-added new resource, cars
-added buttons for added techs and some units
-added UU and UB to Norway
-added a scenario
-changed William I from creative to expansive
-fixed the tornado and volcano events
Version 1.0
-added JRouteNative and sevopedia
-readme text for both
-deleted some old civilizations
-new civilizations
-new leaders
-changed civilization buttons
-civilopedia texts
-fixed sevopedia
-leaderhead graphics
-deleted units that weren't needed
-changed hills', forests' and jungles' defensive bonus
-compiled ancient, classical, medieval and renaissance technologies into their own technologies
-removed ancient, classical, medieval and renaissance eras
-fixed the tech tree
-diplomacy texts
-removed a lot of wonders
-added unique buildings and unique units for almost all civs