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[BTS Python/XML] Partisan Mod 2016-10-05

update2: +1 Partisan with Protective Trait.

update: The amount of Partisans also depends on the amount of the culture the conqueror has in the conquered city (more culture for the conqueror means less Partisans for the former owner)

Here is another little mini mod:

Partisan Mod

It adds a new Unit: Partisan (skin by Robo Magic Man)
It also adds a little python code:

You can’t build this Unit but after you have researched rifling you will get a certain amount of Partisan Units when the enemy captures one of your cities. The same works with enemy cities if the AI has the rifling tech.
The amount of Partisans in the city radius depends on the size of the captured city, if the original city owner has the Nationhood Civic (= more Partisans) and for balancing issues if the new owner is stronger or weaker than the former owner (a weaker former owner will also get more Partisans).
Partisans prefer to “spawn” on tiles with higher defence like hills, forest/jungle and forts if they are not occupied by enemy units, but it's still random.
When a Partisan Unit spawn it will automatically damage up to five random enemy units within its range (range = 1; damage per enemy unit = 15-30% but they can’t kill enemies with this attack).

The Partisan Unit has a strength of 11, 1 movement and a 20% withdrawal chance (see pic). This would be a little bit too week in the late game so new Partisan Units will get free promotions with certain techs and free promotion when they spawn on certain tiles (see pic).
For more info about what techs will give you what promotions see this:
Spoiler :
		###      new created Partisan units will get more and more promotions with higher       ###
		###      tech level and also get special promotions dependig on the "start" plot        ###
		###     technology      |     plot types      |      promotions      |      chance      ###
		###      rifling        |          you need rifling tech to get Partisan units          ###
		###    assembly line    |          -          |       + drill        |       100%       ###
		###    industrialism    |          -          |       + drill        |       100%       ###
		###      rocketry       |          -          |       + drill        |       100%       ###
		###      plastics       |          -          |       + drill        |       100%       ###
		###      railroad       |          -          |     + flanking I     |       100%       ###
		###     combustion      |          -          |     + flanking II    |       100%       ###
		###       radio         |          -          |       + morale       |        50%       ###
		###      fascism        |          -          |       + combat       |        50%       ###
		###      computers      |          -          |       + combat       |       100%       ###
		###      robotics       |          -          |       + combat       |       100%       ###
		###     composites      |          -          |       + combat       |       100%       ###
		###       laser         |          -          |       + combat       |       100%       ###
		###         -           |   forest / jungle   |     + woodsman I     |       100%       ###
		###    assembly line    |   forest / jungle   |     + woodsman II    |        75%       ###
		###    industrialism    |   forest / jungle   |     + woodsman III   |        50%       ###
		###         -           |        hill         |     + guerilla I     |       100%       ###
		###    assembly line    |        hill         |     + guerilla II    |        75%       ###
		###    industrialism    |        hill         |     + guerilla III   |        50%       ###

		### number of Partisan units depending on city size (before conquest) and if  ###
		### the loser of the city is stronger or weaker (military power) as the new   ###
		###                          owner of the city.                               ###
		###  city size  | Partisan Units if | Partisan Units if   | reduce population ###
		### before conq.| loser weaker conq.| loser stronger conq.|                   ###
		###    01-06    |       1 - 2       |       0 - 1         |         0         ###
		###    07-13    |       2 - 3       |       1 - 2         |  - num partisans  ###
		###    14-20    |       3 - 5       |       1 - 3         |  - num partisans  ###
		###    21-27    |       4 - 6       |       2 - 4         |  - num partisans  ###
		###    28-34    |       5 - 8       |       2 - 5         |  - num partisans  ###
		###    35-41    |       6 - 9       |       3 - 6         |  - num partisans  ###
		###     ...     |        ...        |        ...          |  - num partisans  ###
		###             |  +3 units with    |  +3 units with      |                   ###
		###             |  NATIONHOOD civic |  NATIONHOOD civic   |                   ###

Some pics:

Have fun!


First release
Last update
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