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Earth Flavour Map Mod 2016-10-05

# FILE: Earth_flavour_mapmod.py
# VERSION: 2.1
# AUTHOR: Nicolas "lumpthing" Holzapfel (but 'see CREDIT' below)
# PURPOSE: Have civs start in regions that match their flavour.
# DISCUSSION: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=251580
# CREDIT: 90% of the credit for this mod goes to David "dreiche2" Reichert.
# He did all the proper scripting stuff to create his Fall from Heaven flavor
# mod. All I did was take his mod and change the settings (this time for
# standard Earth civs, rather than fantasy civs) until I got something
# that worked reasonably well.

# This module can be used in conjunction with other map scripts.
# It has the following effects:
# 1) Civs tend to start in appropriate climates: i.e. Euopean civs start in
# colder regions,
# African civs start in warmer climates
# 2) East Asian civs tend to start close together
# 3) 'New World' civs tend to start close together
# 4) The Portuguese, Dutch, Carthagians, Vikings and Americans are more likely
# to start near the sea (The former four because of unique units or buildings,
# the latter for historical flavour)
# 5) The Khmer are more likely to start close to ivory
# (because of its unique unit)
# Note that this module does not change the map itself, and only uses the
# starting locations
# assigned by the base map script. There will only be a tendency (albeit a
# clear one), no guarantee
# that all the relevant civs have 'flavoury' starting positions. An advantage
# is that this module minimally interfers with what the map scripts does.

# It is very simple to use this module in a map script of your choice
# (e.g. the default continents script). Just copy this file into the
# <civ4>/PublicMaps folder, and then open the map script file
# (e.g. Continents.py) with a text editor and copy/paste the small code block
# below this paragraph into the script (preferably at the top), and uncomment
# the 'import' line by removing the '#'. Of course you're advised to backup
# the map script and rename your modified version to something like
# "Earth_Flavour_whatever.py" so that you don't confuse the various versions.

## copy below, remove '#' in 'from...import' line.

# This map script was modified to use the Earth Flavour Map Mod #
# See Earth_flavour_mapmod.py for details #

#from Earth_flavour_mapmod import normalizeStartingPlotLocations


## copy above

# The flavour module should work with most map scripts. It uses the
# normalizeStartingPlotLocations() function, hence civ does not use its
# default implementation. That means that members of a team are no longer
# placed close together as by default.

# A conflict occurs if the map script itselfs implements
# normalizeStartingPlotLocations(), though only few do. If that's the case
# you can simply remove/comment out the relevant code in the map script,
# although of course you remove any functionality that was implemented there.

# It should be easy to modify the settings to your liking, and add new flavor
# civs. Just look at the code below. Everything relevant happens in
# normalizeStartingPlotLocations().

# Version 2.1: Added flood plain preferences for several Middle Eastern civs.
# Increased the Vikings' preference for tundra relative to their preference
# for ocean. Made all Northern European civs prefer tundra.
# Version 2.0: Corrected a bug identified by Seven05. Many major changes:
# Replaced most of the bonus preferences with terrain and feature preferences.
# Version 1.02: Corrected a bug identified by SevenSpirits
# Version 1.02: Corrected a major typo in the usage instructions
# Version 1.01: Added sheep to Russian and Viking bonus preferences, in case
# no tundra starting positions are available
First release
Last update
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