Further changes have been made to the code to integrate into the Fall Civ Patch (sorry for the delay). All ArtDef problems should be fixed, please report any exclamation points.
Prasats, Dar-E-Mehrs, and Stupas have been updated to better fit into how this mod works.
The .modinfo file has been fixed with updates to game code. This should allow the first few DLCs to work again, sorry to break it.
Professional Sports Inspiration boost changed to building 2 Arenas (down from 4).
Normalized the yields of unimproved resources. This was done by reducing the yield of certain resources to 2 gold or 1 other yield.
The above is being balanced out by introducing a bonus system for improved resources, which grants all improved resources additional yields.
Irrigation now gives +1 Food to farms built adjacent to rivers, lakes, and oases.
The Firing Range now provides +1 Housing and +1 Great General points per turn to bring it in line with the Barracks and Stable.
Removed production bonus to quarries from the Construction Yard.
Instead, moved production yield increase to quarries from Rocketry to Construction. Combined with the above improvement modifiers, the overall yields shouldn't change much but should come earlier.
Added new bonus yields to plantations and camps at Feudalism. The bonus yield depends on the improved resource.
Reduced regional food output of the Plant Processing Center, Meat Processing Plant, Agribusiness, and Supermarket to 3.
Instead of providing local bonuses to resources, the Meat and Plant Processing buildings now provide food for various resources you have access to.
Removed the local farm boost from Agribusiness, and added a foreign trade route bonuse to the building: +5 gold for you, and +3 food for the foreign city.
Changed the Supermarket. It no longer provides a local food/gold boost to resources and +25% gold. Instead, it provides +3% Gold for each food-based resource you control. It also provides +5% Growth in your entire empire.
Not super satisfied with all the changes in my update, but decided I should stop putting it off because it does fix the artdef problems. Will continue to tinker with this.
Forgot I needed to update both here and the Steam Workshop. This should be compatible with the most recent patch, and adds friendship bonuses for the new Civs.
Warmonger penalties for the following actions adjusted: Capturing a city incurs only 25% of the war declaration as a warmonger penalty (down from 50%).
Warmonger penalty for capturing the final city of a major civilization is now doubled rather than tripled, and 150% rather than 200% for a minor civilization.
Warmonger penalties from other Civs at war with your target are now reduced by 80% (up from 40%).
Warmonger penalties from other Civs that have denounced your target are now reduced by 50% (up from 20%).
Doubled diplomatic penalty for declaring friendship or allying with a Civilization's enemy.
Terrain Adjustments: Hills now give -1 Food (Snow Hills have no yields) when they would provide food. Rain forests now give -1 Production. This was done to place more emphasis on improving terrain and resources to make it more valuable. It may be reverted in a future patch, it's a test change.
Japan's Friendship Bonus changed: Campus, Holy Site, Industrial Zone, and Theater Squares get +1 yield when adjacent to the City Center.
Greece's Friendship Bonus changed: +50% Production towards Administrative Precinct districts. +2 Culture for Precincts adjacent to the City Center.
Norway's Friendship Bonus changed: Still grants naval melee units the ability to perform coastal raids, but also grants all of your holy site districts with temples an additional standard adjacency bonus from woods.
City maintenance reduced to 3 per city center. Other districts cost 2 maintenance, except for Commercial Hubs, Harbors, Aqueducts, and Administrative Precincts (these have 0 maintenance).
This is to test out a new scaling maintenance system where each city reduces your gold income by a flat amount equal to your total number of cities. This caps out at -12 per city. The expense is grouped under "Other" when you mouseover your gold income.
In addition, specialty districts also cost an increasing amount of maintenance with each specialty district in the city. Each specialty district in a city starting at the 2nd increases the maintenance cost of all of your districts by 1, capping at 5 specialty districts.
The above changes are hopefully to slightly lessen gold woes in the early game while increasing gold costs in the late game. You'll still probably need a few villages early on to keep your empire in the green.
Unit Production policies changed. They now affect all units up until the latest era of units they affect. Example: Feudal Contract now also increases production towards Ancient and Classical era units.
Unit Production policies increased to 30% additional Production (up from 25%).
Wonder Production policies have been adjusted in the same manner (increased to 30% from 15%, now affect Wonders of earlier eras).
Improvements that provided +1 Gold to start now provide +2 Gold (Plantations and Camps).
Camps now affected by the Serfdom policy and the Civil Engineering civic in the same manner as planatations.
Fishing Boats adjacency granted at Naval Tradition changed from food to gold. Adjacency bonus at Celestial Navigation removed.
Fixed major oversight involving God-King, Medina Quarter, and Beaucracy policies that made them affect all cities (instead of just the capital). They now work as described on the policy card.
Fixed Japan being able to construct both an Eletronics Factory and a Factory if it built the Factory first.
Changed Charismatic Leader back to its vanilla value.
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