The current thread for this scenario can be found here.
This is a scenario that replicates the "Sengoku - Sword of the Shogun" scenario from Civ III, and the game Shogun - Total War.
Scenario features include:
- custom Tech-Tree
- custom Units, using custom graphics
- custom Buildings
- custom Civics
Unzip and place the "Sengoku-Jidai" folder in your "Warlords\Mods" folder alongside the other scenarios that came with Warlords. To run the scenario simple open the file "Sengoku-Jidai.CivWarlordsWBSave" under "WarlordsWBSaveUnder "Warlords\Mods\Sengoku-Jidai\Public Maps"
I hope people enjoy the scenario. A lot of work went into it and I'm really happy with the results. Enjoy!
This is a scenario that replicates the "Sengoku - Sword of the Shogun" scenario from Civ III, and the game Shogun - Total War.
Scenario features include:
- custom Tech-Tree
- custom Units, using custom graphics
- custom Buildings
- custom Civics
Unzip and place the "Sengoku-Jidai" folder in your "Warlords\Mods" folder alongside the other scenarios that came with Warlords. To run the scenario simple open the file "Sengoku-Jidai.CivWarlordsWBSave" under "WarlordsWBSaveUnder "Warlords\Mods\Sengoku-Jidai\Public Maps"
I hope people enjoy the scenario. A lot of work went into it and I'm really happy with the results. Enjoy!