See the discussion thread to post comments and questions:
JKP1187's Not Just Another NextWar Mod
v. 1.42 BETA
1.42 Includes a few fixes to the random events files that should make them easier for individual editing, and a couple of very minor bugs.
1.39 includes a few behind-the-scenes changes to some code, and fixed an error or two in the Civilopedia.
NOTE: This information is accessible via the Civilopedia under Beyond The Sword Concepts\Next War Rules and Changes.
This mod will give an epic-style game that permits players to start in any era (ancient through future) and play to any of the standard victory conditions, with the NextWar techs and units playable once they become available in the game, and overall making as few other changes as possible.
Everything's been updated to be compatible with 3.13, and I have added a few tweaks to enhance playability. Download and enjoy! This mod uses as a starting point both Paul Murphy's NextWar mod, and the code included in the NextWar–Enhanced mod done by Ansible. Many thanks to both!
i.) Apollo Program renamed MISSION TO MARS
ii.) Clones (future workers) renamed CLONEJACKS
iii.) The BUILDING "Advanced Shielding" has been renamed to DEFLECTOR SHIELDING
iv.) The unit DREADNOUGHT has been renamed to TITAN
c.) NEW TECH FROM 1.35:
i.) ASTROGATION (prereq = Biological Warfare, Satellites, Composites.)
i.) RECYCLING CENTER (no longer eliminates buliding is +1 health and +1 happiness, cost reduced by 50%.
ii.) ARCOLOGY (Cost increased to 1000 hammers).
Substantive changes from 1.35:
1.) This build includes Bhruic's Unofficial BtS Patch v. 1.11. The only SDK addition is the on/off switch for the resource depletion function. If you want to play with more than 40 civs, please download the mod titled: "JKP1187's NextWar + 40"
2.) SDK MOD: The mod now has its own CvGameCoreDLL file, so merging with other mods will now require a little bit of compiling. This change was necessary to create an in-game on/off switch for the Resource Depletion function. Resource Depletion defaults to off. I have included the two SDK files with changes in the CvGameCoreDLL folder.
3.) MISSION TO MARS REPLACES APOLLO PROGRAM and ASTROGATION TECHNOLOGY ADDED: Per my discussion earlier, I removed the Apollo Program and replaced it with a new project called Mission to Mars, to make the Space Race a bit more of a race. I also added a new technology, Astrogation (prerequisites: Bio Warfare, Satellites, and Composites) that will enable construction of the Mission to Mars.
4.) Cost of the Mission to Mars is now 2500 hammers, to represent the magnitude of such a project.
5.) Biological Warfare now requires Aquaculture.
6.) The Nanoids promotion is now available with Combat III or Drill III -- previously it was available only with Combat IV.
7.) Recycling Centers now cost 150 hammers (reduced from 300). They now only provide +1 health and +1 happiness instead of removing all building-related pollution. Thanks to endgame buildings such as the Arcologies, and the ready availability of Sid's Sushi and Cereal Mills, I felt that this building needed to be nerfed a little.
8.) Biological Warfare Missiles now receive a 100% bonus when used against Gunpowder, Archery, Siege, Mounted, Melee, and Clone units.
9.) Clone units are now eligible for the Anti-Biological Warfare promotion.
10.) Assault Mechs -- adjusted the value iAirCombatLimit to 100, as it was supposed to be. The Assault Mech's ranged attack should now work as intended.
11.) Renamed the Dreadnought Unit and Category both to "Titan". This was done to avoid confusion in case players wished to merge NextWar with a mod that included the WWI-era Dreadnought-class ship. No changes otherwise made.
12.) The future worker-replacement "Clones" was renamed to "Clonejack", again to avoid confusion, as there was already a "Clones" unit category. No changes otherwise made.
13.) The building "Advanced Shielding" was renamed to "Deflector Shielding", again to avoid confusion. In this case, the civilopedia was confusing BUILDING_ADVANCED_SHIELDING with TECH_ADVANCED_SHIELDING. (The technology remains named "Advanced Shielding".) No changes otherwise made.
14.) Readjusted the frequency of checks for resource depletion. Also made the checks scale with game speed.
15.) Readjusted the likelihood of resource depletion.
17.) Made several XML text edits to certain Civilopedia entries/added some new NextWar concept entries for new players under the "Beyond the Sword Concepts" section.
18.) Rebalanced the game speeds. I left the tech rate at the default rate, but gave small (4%) increases to everything else -- growth, worker rate, building construction rate, unit construction rate, culture rate, etc. -- to keep in line with the 5% increase in game turns. (Culture rate costs, which had been increased 5%, is now increased by only 4%.) ERRATA: the Civilopedia says the across-the-board increase was 5%. This is incorrect. The correct number is 4%.
19.) Cost of the Arcology building increased to 1000 hammers. I also removed the +50% discount for Arcologies that Expansive leaders received. I felt that this building just was too inexpensive (especially for an Expansive leader.) The shielding buildings, however, have retained their earlier costs.
20.) Updated to include new events from JKP1187's Events Mod v. 1.13.
21.) Verified that Biological Warfare Missiles do not cause population loss on use in cities, so I removed that misleading text from the Civilopedia.
a.) SPACE RACE: Most of the Space Race projects have been assigned to new technologies. The idea is to delay the Space Race until the players were using the additional NextWar technologies. It just didn't seem fun to have a player arrive at Alpha Centauri before the new techs had been
researched, which was quite possible.
* MISSION TO MARS (formerly APOLLO PROGRAM) requires ASTROGATION (formerly ROCKETRY) (Cost increased to 2500 hammers).
* SS ENGINE: requires COLD FUSION (formerly FUSION)
* SS CASING: requires COMPOSITES (unchanged)
b.) CORPORATE EXECUTIVES: I have left the unit cap from the 3.02 patch in place -- no more than three (3) executives per corporation per civ can exist/be constructed at any given time. The basic AI tends to spam corporate executives to its own detriment. Bhruic's patch fixed this somewhat, but without the cap, the AI still tends to overbuild. (At the same time, I did not feel that the cap would severely restrict the human players' corporate expansion.)
c.) PARTISANS EVENT/EMANCIPATION: Whenever a city is razed that is owned by a Civ running the labor civic Emancipation, the Partisans event will ALWAYS fire. (It will never fire for any civ that is NOT running Emancipation.) I felt that it would be nice to add a slight bonus to Emancipation while in the process of fixing the code for this event (which had been buggy.) The event will never fire if Random Events are turned off.
d.) ARCOLOGY/ARCOLOGY SHIELDING/DEFLECTOR(Advanced) SHIELDING: The cost of all three of these buildings has been doubled. These are supposed to be mammoth society-altering structures; it seemed appropriate that their hammer cost at least be in the same ballpark as a National Wonder.
i.) In addition, the Arcology now requires both Hydroponics and Composites -- to simulate the fact that special building materials are necessary for
the structure.
e.) EXPLORER/CONSCRIPTION: For some reason, Explorers were given the ability to be created via Nationalism/Draft. In addition, they are also available to be created as the “freebie” unit given to colonies upon independence. Since it is, in my opinion, nigh-useless to have an explorer as a draftable unit (all the more so because an Explorer can’t be upgraded to anything,) I have disabled this.
f.) NEXTWAR SCENARIO LEADERS REMOVED: Because this mod is meant to be as faithful as possible to the standard “epic” game, the NextWar civs/leaders (Mr. Big/America Inc., The Lady/Southern Empire, etc.) have all been removed. I did not believe that they added much to the epic game.
g.) "CRACKED LIKE AN EGG" REMOVED: The NextWar event where the world "cracks like an egg" after 20 nuclear explosions/meltdowns has also been removed from this mod.
h.) ADDITIONAL GAME TURNS/GAME END YEAR: Every game speed option now has 5% more turns -- NORMAL speed has 525 turns, not 500 turns. The speeds have also been adjusted to end at 2100AD instead of 2050AD. The reason for this is to give additional time for players to exploit the NextWar techs and units.
i.) Rebalanced the game speeds. I left the tech rate at the default rate, but gave small (4%) increases to everything else -- growth, worker rate, building construction rate, unit construction rate, culture rate, etc. -- to keep in line with the 5% increase in game turns. (Culture rate costs,
which had been increased 5%, is now increased by only 4%.) ERRATA: the Civilopedia says the across-the-board increase was 5%. This is incorrect. The correct number is 4%.
j.) RANDOM EVENTS: I have added all of the random events from JKP1187's Random Events Mod. I have also added three new NextWar-specific random events that are available only in this mod:
The Cylons: (Prereq: At least one civ must have TECH_CLONING and at least one civ must have constructed a Cloning Factory, must have barbarians active)
1.) A group of Barbarian Automatons appears on a plot randomly chosen WITHIN the player's territory. Number varies depending on map size.
Sensors: (Prereq: TECH_SHIELDING and at least one (1) Stealth Destroyer):
1.) All Stealth Destroyers receive the SENTRY promotion.
Slip and Fall: (Prereq: Must have at least one (1) Assault Mech, unit must be on a plot that does NOT have a route of any kind (road or railroad), unit must be at full strength, cannot have COMMANDO promotion.
1.) Assault Mech suffers 33% damage.
k.) RESOURCE DEPLETION ADDED: I have added the simulated resource depletion code from the NextWar Scenario (it had been left out of the original mod.) The game will periodically do a check to see if any resources currently being worked (with the requisite improvement, a fort, or with a city,) should disappear to simulate resource depletion. The chances of a resource depleting are between 1:10 and 1:30 when the check is made (it won't necessarily be every turn, and the interval between checks scales with game speed) Resources will not disappear unless the civilization that owns the resource has the enabling tech (e.g., Iron Workin for Iron.) Also, if the civ is running the economic civic Environmentalism, the chance of resources
disappearing for that specific civ are reduced by 50%.
l.) Nanoids promotion is now available to Armor, Naval Units, and Gunships.
a.) TECH QUOTATIONS/VOICE-OVERS: I have added voice-overs for all of the NextWar technologies. I have also done vocals for the short multiplayer narrations (e.g.,“You have discovered Advanced Shielding.”) Yes, that’s my voice. I retain the copyright on that work. Others may use them freely as long as (a) they do not use them for a profit, (b) I receive credit, (c) they are used only for mods to Civ 4 and its expansion packs, (d) those expansion packs are made freely available on Civ Fanatics and/or Apolyton, or (e) I otherwise specifically grant permission for their use. I also changed a couple of the tech quotations to ones I thought fit better.
b.) GLANCE TAB: I have included code restoring the glance tab to the diplomacy screen in If you think it's too ugly, just don't look at it!
c.) CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL ICON: I have included a new icon (provided by bmarnz) showing C. Everett Koop's likeness as the icon for the CDC
National Wonder. This replaces the CDC's previous icon which was (confusingly) identical to the United Nations' icon.
d.) NEW UNIT CATEGORY ICONS: I have included new icons for the NextWar specific Unit Categories (Clones, Assault Mech, Bioweapons, Dreadnought).
Previously, the game re-used pre-existing icons, which could be confusing.
e.) STALIN'S NEW MUSIC: Variations on the Great Soviet Anthem were included for Stalin's middle and late era diplomatic music. (The early era music remains the Volga Boatsman's Song.)
To the best of my knowledge, the music included is in the public domain. Both files are available for free download here: If that is not the case and you are the copyright holder, please contact me immediately via private message at the Civilization Fanatics Center or the Apolyton Civilization Site. My userid is: jkp1187.
f.) NEXTWAR INTRO SPLASH SCREEN: now plays regardless of which intro screen the player has selected (although the music from the selected screen still plays.)
g.) NEW CIV FLAGS: Added new flags for America, England, France, Spain, Russia, France, Germany, India, Rome, and Arabia. Most of these are from Bad
Ronald's flag mod from CivFanatics.
h.) ENGLAND/RUSSIA COLOR SWITCH: Purely for my own aesthetic reasons, I switched the colors of Russia and England. England is now Dark Red, Russia is
now White.
a.) The code has been updated to match updates from BtS 3.13.
b.) In CIV4TechInfos.xml, the Next War techs were all incorrectly assigned to the “Modern” era, meaning that when “Future” era was chosen as a game
starting point, all the Next War techs were assigned (but not, for instance, Fusion, which is also considered a “Future” tech, too. This also affected WorldBuilder.) I changed the file so that all of the Next War techs are part of the “Future” era. In standard BtS, Fusion, Stealth and Genetics were considered “Future” era techs – but to simplify matters, I left these as “modern” era techs, to make use of World Builder a little more intuitive. I felt it was better to draw a bright line between techs available in regular BtS as being “modern” and those available only in NextWar as being Future. (Of course, “Future Tech” I left as a “future” era tech for obvious reasons.)
c.) Mind Control Centers reduce production by 15%, as intended.
d.) Changed so that Ger is obsolete with Advanced Flight, as it's supposed to be, not Rocketry.
e.) BUILD FOREST hotkey for workers now requires SHIFT + F.
h.) Arcology/ArcologyShielding/Advanced Shielding bug now fixed. (See above for details).
i.) Emancipation/Partisans event bug fixed. (See above for details).
Please report any bugs you may find to the thread (or send a PM to JKP1187) on CivFanatics or Apolyton. Constructive feedback is appreciated!
JKP1187's Not Just Another NextWar Mod
v. 1.42 BETA
1.42 Includes a few fixes to the random events files that should make them easier for individual editing, and a couple of very minor bugs.
1.39 includes a few behind-the-scenes changes to some code, and fixed an error or two in the Civilopedia.
NOTE: This information is accessible via the Civilopedia under Beyond The Sword Concepts\Next War Rules and Changes.
This mod will give an epic-style game that permits players to start in any era (ancient through future) and play to any of the standard victory conditions, with the NextWar techs and units playable once they become available in the game, and overall making as few other changes as possible.
Everything's been updated to be compatible with 3.13, and I have added a few tweaks to enhance playability. Download and enjoy! This mod uses as a starting point both Paul Murphy's NextWar mod, and the code included in the NextWar–Enhanced mod done by Ansible. Many thanks to both!
i.) Apollo Program renamed MISSION TO MARS
ii.) Clones (future workers) renamed CLONEJACKS
iii.) The BUILDING "Advanced Shielding" has been renamed to DEFLECTOR SHIELDING
iv.) The unit DREADNOUGHT has been renamed to TITAN
c.) NEW TECH FROM 1.35:
i.) ASTROGATION (prereq = Biological Warfare, Satellites, Composites.)
i.) RECYCLING CENTER (no longer eliminates buliding is +1 health and +1 happiness, cost reduced by 50%.
ii.) ARCOLOGY (Cost increased to 1000 hammers).
Substantive changes from 1.35:
1.) This build includes Bhruic's Unofficial BtS Patch v. 1.11. The only SDK addition is the on/off switch for the resource depletion function. If you want to play with more than 40 civs, please download the mod titled: "JKP1187's NextWar + 40"
2.) SDK MOD: The mod now has its own CvGameCoreDLL file, so merging with other mods will now require a little bit of compiling. This change was necessary to create an in-game on/off switch for the Resource Depletion function. Resource Depletion defaults to off. I have included the two SDK files with changes in the CvGameCoreDLL folder.
3.) MISSION TO MARS REPLACES APOLLO PROGRAM and ASTROGATION TECHNOLOGY ADDED: Per my discussion earlier, I removed the Apollo Program and replaced it with a new project called Mission to Mars, to make the Space Race a bit more of a race. I also added a new technology, Astrogation (prerequisites: Bio Warfare, Satellites, and Composites) that will enable construction of the Mission to Mars.
4.) Cost of the Mission to Mars is now 2500 hammers, to represent the magnitude of such a project.
5.) Biological Warfare now requires Aquaculture.
6.) The Nanoids promotion is now available with Combat III or Drill III -- previously it was available only with Combat IV.
7.) Recycling Centers now cost 150 hammers (reduced from 300). They now only provide +1 health and +1 happiness instead of removing all building-related pollution. Thanks to endgame buildings such as the Arcologies, and the ready availability of Sid's Sushi and Cereal Mills, I felt that this building needed to be nerfed a little.
8.) Biological Warfare Missiles now receive a 100% bonus when used against Gunpowder, Archery, Siege, Mounted, Melee, and Clone units.
9.) Clone units are now eligible for the Anti-Biological Warfare promotion.
10.) Assault Mechs -- adjusted the value iAirCombatLimit to 100, as it was supposed to be. The Assault Mech's ranged attack should now work as intended.
11.) Renamed the Dreadnought Unit and Category both to "Titan". This was done to avoid confusion in case players wished to merge NextWar with a mod that included the WWI-era Dreadnought-class ship. No changes otherwise made.
12.) The future worker-replacement "Clones" was renamed to "Clonejack", again to avoid confusion, as there was already a "Clones" unit category. No changes otherwise made.
13.) The building "Advanced Shielding" was renamed to "Deflector Shielding", again to avoid confusion. In this case, the civilopedia was confusing BUILDING_ADVANCED_SHIELDING with TECH_ADVANCED_SHIELDING. (The technology remains named "Advanced Shielding".) No changes otherwise made.
14.) Readjusted the frequency of checks for resource depletion. Also made the checks scale with game speed.
15.) Readjusted the likelihood of resource depletion.
17.) Made several XML text edits to certain Civilopedia entries/added some new NextWar concept entries for new players under the "Beyond the Sword Concepts" section.
18.) Rebalanced the game speeds. I left the tech rate at the default rate, but gave small (4%) increases to everything else -- growth, worker rate, building construction rate, unit construction rate, culture rate, etc. -- to keep in line with the 5% increase in game turns. (Culture rate costs, which had been increased 5%, is now increased by only 4%.) ERRATA: the Civilopedia says the across-the-board increase was 5%. This is incorrect. The correct number is 4%.
19.) Cost of the Arcology building increased to 1000 hammers. I also removed the +50% discount for Arcologies that Expansive leaders received. I felt that this building just was too inexpensive (especially for an Expansive leader.) The shielding buildings, however, have retained their earlier costs.
20.) Updated to include new events from JKP1187's Events Mod v. 1.13.
21.) Verified that Biological Warfare Missiles do not cause population loss on use in cities, so I removed that misleading text from the Civilopedia.
a.) SPACE RACE: Most of the Space Race projects have been assigned to new technologies. The idea is to delay the Space Race until the players were using the additional NextWar technologies. It just didn't seem fun to have a player arrive at Alpha Centauri before the new techs had been
researched, which was quite possible.
* MISSION TO MARS (formerly APOLLO PROGRAM) requires ASTROGATION (formerly ROCKETRY) (Cost increased to 2500 hammers).
* SS ENGINE: requires COLD FUSION (formerly FUSION)
* SS CASING: requires COMPOSITES (unchanged)
b.) CORPORATE EXECUTIVES: I have left the unit cap from the 3.02 patch in place -- no more than three (3) executives per corporation per civ can exist/be constructed at any given time. The basic AI tends to spam corporate executives to its own detriment. Bhruic's patch fixed this somewhat, but without the cap, the AI still tends to overbuild. (At the same time, I did not feel that the cap would severely restrict the human players' corporate expansion.)
c.) PARTISANS EVENT/EMANCIPATION: Whenever a city is razed that is owned by a Civ running the labor civic Emancipation, the Partisans event will ALWAYS fire. (It will never fire for any civ that is NOT running Emancipation.) I felt that it would be nice to add a slight bonus to Emancipation while in the process of fixing the code for this event (which had been buggy.) The event will never fire if Random Events are turned off.
d.) ARCOLOGY/ARCOLOGY SHIELDING/DEFLECTOR(Advanced) SHIELDING: The cost of all three of these buildings has been doubled. These are supposed to be mammoth society-altering structures; it seemed appropriate that their hammer cost at least be in the same ballpark as a National Wonder.
i.) In addition, the Arcology now requires both Hydroponics and Composites -- to simulate the fact that special building materials are necessary for
the structure.
e.) EXPLORER/CONSCRIPTION: For some reason, Explorers were given the ability to be created via Nationalism/Draft. In addition, they are also available to be created as the “freebie” unit given to colonies upon independence. Since it is, in my opinion, nigh-useless to have an explorer as a draftable unit (all the more so because an Explorer can’t be upgraded to anything,) I have disabled this.
f.) NEXTWAR SCENARIO LEADERS REMOVED: Because this mod is meant to be as faithful as possible to the standard “epic” game, the NextWar civs/leaders (Mr. Big/America Inc., The Lady/Southern Empire, etc.) have all been removed. I did not believe that they added much to the epic game.
g.) "CRACKED LIKE AN EGG" REMOVED: The NextWar event where the world "cracks like an egg" after 20 nuclear explosions/meltdowns has also been removed from this mod.
h.) ADDITIONAL GAME TURNS/GAME END YEAR: Every game speed option now has 5% more turns -- NORMAL speed has 525 turns, not 500 turns. The speeds have also been adjusted to end at 2100AD instead of 2050AD. The reason for this is to give additional time for players to exploit the NextWar techs and units.
i.) Rebalanced the game speeds. I left the tech rate at the default rate, but gave small (4%) increases to everything else -- growth, worker rate, building construction rate, unit construction rate, culture rate, etc. -- to keep in line with the 5% increase in game turns. (Culture rate costs,
which had been increased 5%, is now increased by only 4%.) ERRATA: the Civilopedia says the across-the-board increase was 5%. This is incorrect. The correct number is 4%.
j.) RANDOM EVENTS: I have added all of the random events from JKP1187's Random Events Mod. I have also added three new NextWar-specific random events that are available only in this mod:
The Cylons: (Prereq: At least one civ must have TECH_CLONING and at least one civ must have constructed a Cloning Factory, must have barbarians active)
1.) A group of Barbarian Automatons appears on a plot randomly chosen WITHIN the player's territory. Number varies depending on map size.
Sensors: (Prereq: TECH_SHIELDING and at least one (1) Stealth Destroyer):
1.) All Stealth Destroyers receive the SENTRY promotion.
Slip and Fall: (Prereq: Must have at least one (1) Assault Mech, unit must be on a plot that does NOT have a route of any kind (road or railroad), unit must be at full strength, cannot have COMMANDO promotion.
1.) Assault Mech suffers 33% damage.
k.) RESOURCE DEPLETION ADDED: I have added the simulated resource depletion code from the NextWar Scenario (it had been left out of the original mod.) The game will periodically do a check to see if any resources currently being worked (with the requisite improvement, a fort, or with a city,) should disappear to simulate resource depletion. The chances of a resource depleting are between 1:10 and 1:30 when the check is made (it won't necessarily be every turn, and the interval between checks scales with game speed) Resources will not disappear unless the civilization that owns the resource has the enabling tech (e.g., Iron Workin for Iron.) Also, if the civ is running the economic civic Environmentalism, the chance of resources
disappearing for that specific civ are reduced by 50%.
l.) Nanoids promotion is now available to Armor, Naval Units, and Gunships.
a.) TECH QUOTATIONS/VOICE-OVERS: I have added voice-overs for all of the NextWar technologies. I have also done vocals for the short multiplayer narrations (e.g.,“You have discovered Advanced Shielding.”) Yes, that’s my voice. I retain the copyright on that work. Others may use them freely as long as (a) they do not use them for a profit, (b) I receive credit, (c) they are used only for mods to Civ 4 and its expansion packs, (d) those expansion packs are made freely available on Civ Fanatics and/or Apolyton, or (e) I otherwise specifically grant permission for their use. I also changed a couple of the tech quotations to ones I thought fit better.
b.) GLANCE TAB: I have included code restoring the glance tab to the diplomacy screen in If you think it's too ugly, just don't look at it!

c.) CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL ICON: I have included a new icon (provided by bmarnz) showing C. Everett Koop's likeness as the icon for the CDC
National Wonder. This replaces the CDC's previous icon which was (confusingly) identical to the United Nations' icon.
d.) NEW UNIT CATEGORY ICONS: I have included new icons for the NextWar specific Unit Categories (Clones, Assault Mech, Bioweapons, Dreadnought).
Previously, the game re-used pre-existing icons, which could be confusing.
e.) STALIN'S NEW MUSIC: Variations on the Great Soviet Anthem were included for Stalin's middle and late era diplomatic music. (The early era music remains the Volga Boatsman's Song.)
To the best of my knowledge, the music included is in the public domain. Both files are available for free download here: If that is not the case and you are the copyright holder, please contact me immediately via private message at the Civilization Fanatics Center or the Apolyton Civilization Site. My userid is: jkp1187.
f.) NEXTWAR INTRO SPLASH SCREEN: now plays regardless of which intro screen the player has selected (although the music from the selected screen still plays.)
g.) NEW CIV FLAGS: Added new flags for America, England, France, Spain, Russia, France, Germany, India, Rome, and Arabia. Most of these are from Bad
Ronald's flag mod from CivFanatics.
h.) ENGLAND/RUSSIA COLOR SWITCH: Purely for my own aesthetic reasons, I switched the colors of Russia and England. England is now Dark Red, Russia is
now White.
a.) The code has been updated to match updates from BtS 3.13.
b.) In CIV4TechInfos.xml, the Next War techs were all incorrectly assigned to the “Modern” era, meaning that when “Future” era was chosen as a game
starting point, all the Next War techs were assigned (but not, for instance, Fusion, which is also considered a “Future” tech, too. This also affected WorldBuilder.) I changed the file so that all of the Next War techs are part of the “Future” era. In standard BtS, Fusion, Stealth and Genetics were considered “Future” era techs – but to simplify matters, I left these as “modern” era techs, to make use of World Builder a little more intuitive. I felt it was better to draw a bright line between techs available in regular BtS as being “modern” and those available only in NextWar as being Future. (Of course, “Future Tech” I left as a “future” era tech for obvious reasons.)
c.) Mind Control Centers reduce production by 15%, as intended.
d.) Changed so that Ger is obsolete with Advanced Flight, as it's supposed to be, not Rocketry.
e.) BUILD FOREST hotkey for workers now requires SHIFT + F.
h.) Arcology/ArcologyShielding/Advanced Shielding bug now fixed. (See above for details).
i.) Emancipation/Partisans event bug fixed. (See above for details).
Please report any bugs you may find to the thread (or send a PM to JKP1187) on CivFanatics or Apolyton. Constructive feedback is appreciated!