Leonardfactory's Policy Yield Previews

Leonardfactory's Policy Yield Previews 0.8.0

Adds estimated yield previews for Social Policy (and Crisis Policy) cards on the Government screen, allowing you to better evaluate the current impact of each policy card.
See yield previews even in Tech tree and Civic tree and in the Leader attributes panel.

Screenshot 2025-03-02 160455.png

Note: there will be some some cards that do not include a yield preview. These are either policies with effects that don't affect yields (ex: combat bonuses), or where yield impact is indirect (ex: +% production towards specific things).

Leader attributes

Civic & Tech trees

If you prefer a more colorful display, you can go in the Main menu > Options > Game tab, and at the bottom you'll find an option to enable Colorful mode.

Screenshot 2025-03-04 022302.png

Screenshot 2025-03-04 020851.png

Extract the downloaded files to:
- On Windows, "<user>\AppData\Local\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VII\Mods" folder
- On macOS, "~/Library/Application Support/Sid Meier's Civilization VII/Mods" (you may use Shift+Cmd+G in Finder if the folder is hidden)

Best efforts have been made to calculate these yield previews accurately. However, it is possible of course, that there are calculation errors due to bugs in this mod and/or the base game. Unfortunately there may also be a few policy cards where a yield preview could hypothetically be calculated, but this mod is unable to do so due to technical limitations. Parts of this mod may or may not become out-of-date after updates to the base game. For any issue please post here or open an issue on GitHub repository. I'll try to address them as soon as possible, given my limited free time.
The mod is in early stage, since behind the UI I've had to implement a lot of manual checks and controls, which are not exposed directly by the game. Given the complexity, please understand that some fixes may not be easily addressed.

Known Game Issues
There are some base game bugs around policy cards, which cannot be addressed by this mod (and are not linked to it)
  • Some policy cards in base game provide a different amount when toggled on/off multiple times. This can be fixed only by Firaxis
  • Sometimes when you reload a save, game yields are different. Try to slot-out and slot-in the policy to double check yields in the top panel.

Thanks to Infixo, the author of the original Better Report Screen for civ6, which inspired this mod
Thanks to eSpock and trixie from Civ7 Modding Discord and all the fellow modders there for helping me developing this mod!
First release
Last update


4.97 star(s) 34 ratings

Latest updates

  1. v0.8.0 - Leader attributes and Civic/Tech trees preview, fix for warehouse

    New Features Add Leader attributes yield previews Add Civic & Science trees previews. Every...
  2. v0.7.1 - Fix adjacencies count to follow game behavior, new fix to warehouse yields

    Fix policy cards that provide yields based on adjacencies: in base game all policy cards that...
  3. v0.7.0 - Carthage & Great Britain support, a lot of fixes on policies, better settings

    New Features Add support for Great Britain & Carthage new unique traditions that needed some...
  4. v0.6.0 - Colorful Yields, policy fixes for adjacencies and more

    New Features Show yields even if their value is exactly zero. This way it should be easier to...
  5. v0.5.0 - Fix to blank screen, adjacency and towns check

    Fix policy cards which check adjacency to districts (e.g. City of Peace) Fix policy cards which...
  6. v0.4.0 - Fix for building type policy cards, new effects

    Fix policy cards which grant global yield based on buildings type (e.g. Tzolk'in from Maya) Fix...

Latest reviews

Fantastic mod!
Spectacular to say the least, one of the best mods yet on the entire platform. This is an essential part of the game for me now, and it looks super-clean too.
Incredible work mate!
OMG! This is great!
Really good, updating often and improving after each updates !
Addicted to this mod :)
Thanks a lot.
Incredible work on an essential mod.
Finally the mod concept I am used to in 6 is back I can finally know the exact yields
Excellent mod which should have been part of the base game. Thank you!
This is the most essential civ mod ever. I will never understand why the devs wouldn't include something like this in the game by default.
An absolute essential mod for me - it has made such a difference to my game!
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