This here is a set of half-finished, experimental features that I need to get cleared out because I have once again ruined my source code somehow and am looking for some kind of external motivator to start over.
- Map exploration costs a certain amount of expedition supplies (Starting with 2500 something and costing 60 per plot). After the supplies run out, there are a certain amount of turns of rebuilding supply (around 50 turns) before you can explore again, which is a bit too extreme, perhaps. City center plots can be entered no matter if you ran out of supplies or not. In any case it makes for a different type of game that someone might enjoy.
- Units and ships in Europe are unavailable to buy until certain dates (1592 and 1692 are some years thrown around after decades of careful historical review). They still may show up at the docks and can be taken on as professions before those dates.
- Pioneers chopping wood can be extremely rewarding when done directly.
- Criminals all of a sudden are really good at certain things like making cigars.
- Plot yield production rates are a bit reduced.
- Prices fluctuate more
- The Industrial Victory requirements are removed from the Culture Victory requirements
- There is a bug that causes the 'Does this mean war' popup to not be removable in the player options... sadly.
- New Movement System in action with all its problems
- Some prices fluctuate heavily
- Another Cultural Victory attempt but now with 13 cities with refined culture needed to win (just for fun)
- Sell Embargos do their job and cost an average of 400 gold to lift
- Goods under sell embargos have a different color heading on the city screen popup, so you don't have to switch back and forth.
- No more embargos in Africa again... for now
- Weird and plain wrong symbols are gone from native villages.
- Europe stock is loosely correlating raw materials to manufactured goods. Give them more, they give you more.
- New sell embargos have a 30% chance of coming upon you like a mighty fish, if you succeed in getting the Europe stock up above 2 times the game speed storage slot capacity (have yet to see it in action).
- Maybe sawmill magic hard plank production bug is fixed. One can always hope.
- Forgot Embargos For Africa
- Removed Embargos for the AI
- Fixed a crash bug
- Fixed bug with enabling rush building materials
- Changed the frame that shows up when ending a boycott to something similar to the regular dialogue window you get when interacting with His Royal Majesty the Knig (yes, the knig)
- Experimenting with 'boycotting' some manufactured goods at the start of the game
- Change EUROPE_SALE_EMBARGO_PERCENT to 0% in GlobaldefinesAlt.xml if you do not want it in the game (set at 50%)
- I fear that it may not be savegame compatible
- Ethnicity is not lost after going gone to school or learning through apprenticeship
- Ethnicity is not lost when shamelessly stripping a man of his hard earned profession
- Regular founding father race option should work better now
- Once in a while you may stumble across or get to choose to dig up a treasure, but not too often (about 8 times on a large map)
- Hammer production rate is 3,4,5 and 6 per base colonist / construction building level
- Rushing building construction without material in town is a disabled option in GlobalDefinesAlt.xml
- Papa JACQUES MARQUETTE no longer gets a seasoned scout, and the higher chance of finding treasures trait has been removed (since this is the cause of the goody bug that I just can't fix)... Instead he gets to be his salted self, a missionary.
- Stones are more plentiful on peaks and in Europe and you might even find a spare rock inside a hill
- Did some price adjustments in Africa... I think
- Education at a rate of 3 times the output should count towards Discovery/Exploration points now
- Changed the 'Gold Stolen from Negative Law' sound to a slightly modified version of the 'Goods lost from lack of storage' sound, because it appears to not work on some computers. The sound I initially recorded for gold theft is still there; so if you want to try it just change the filename path in<SoundID>SND_GOLD_STOLEN</SoundID> in Assets/XML/Audio/AudioDefines.xml to: <Filename>Sounds/GoldStolen</Filename>. The sound is supposed be of someone digging through a pile of coins.
- Fixed bug where goods would not replenish.
- Changed minimum turn of barbarian treasure run to 40.
- Fixed bug in the number of hostile natives spawning around the goody huts.
- No sentry alarm for animals
- Forts don't see so far
- Moved people around some more in Europe
- Prostitutes and Seductive Harlots are Tavernkeepers and Enticing Tavernkeepers (The visuals of the good old Brewer looking to just sell a little beer in the inn, but finds himself extra-cracking as a harlot, when you have no place for him in the stable just doesn't work).
- Some of the Goodies, like Buccaneers, cannot be triggered before certain turns in the game.
- No more insta-death from entering goody huts; instead some Hostile Natives will spawn around the plot (like the barbarians in Civ 4).
- Removed the livestock breeding drop off points for now.
- The Domestic Markets are no longer influenced by happiness and law (the last time I went to the Soviet Union an ice cream cost me less than the value of one penny, although looking around everyone seemed super happy and overprotected). Instead it is something more supply and demand based. Supply being the rate of production in a city, not how much is stored up.
- Made the alarm of criminals stealing gold less annoying... to me.
- Law points from city defenders cannot be higher than the core law points from courts and crosses supposedly backing them.
- Couldn't find a spot for my goats, so savannahs and prairies are now available, and maybe even a Swiss peak here and there.
- Wreaked havoc on the leader traits. Getting free clay, stones and tools does not seem right or fun, for instance.
- The AI now take all their fathers, which of course makes a night and day difference to their behavior.
- The Native peddlers don't bring more than 20% of the maximum storage capacity of chosen game speed - so only 20 furs max on normal speed. They also sell and give food and horses.
- Fixed bug where a coastal ship started in Europe
- Changed the base production output of Smiths, Armories, Taverns, Courts, Halls, Schools to more like 3,4,5,6 and 8 per level.
- Removed the ship 'escaped into the sunset' after my boat somehow magically flew over the dry lands of Mexico, and all of that in in only one turn too.
- Fixed bug where some units would not be generated after certain events
- Quick-Fixed bug where European AI are too reluctant to establish their first settlement
- AI Settlers are still way too cowardly in my opinion - There was a situation where the Artificially Dumb Danes would not build their 2nd settlement even though they had four settlers sitting in the garrison doing nothing but hogging resources. After I helped them a bit and sent them out to establish 3 new colonies, they later received 3 hardy pioneers, which built not one improvement, nor any roads; instead they stripped the pioneers of their tools to build more settlers which then all of a sudden were willing to risk their equally unprotected lives by sending them all the way to the west-coast-most colony, to do nothing but sit and hog resources there instead; because, as they might have known - since I was so kind as to explore the whole thing for them with the earlier settlers - there was no more space to settle on that peninsula... Hilarious! I really need see if I can learn AI speech and try to do something/anything about it.
- Fixed bug in the founding fathers screen
- I am not sure if the AI are accepting all that many fathers - I assumed they automatically said yes every time.
- Reverted Caravels and Fluyts ability to sail large rivers and lakes since it seemed to be causing a crash; but I might restore them once I figure out exactly what happens, since it was fun and freeing.
- Fixed a crash related to my third herd thinning mechanism, which have never worked as intended, but I have been in denial all this time, since it was after all my virgin feature.
- Natives can build villages on top of bonus plots.
- Barley also produces food.
- AI will include Barley and Rice in their calculations of whether a plot is worthy of being settled on.
Someone exactly 1/3 my age (no, not exactly... off by 2 years... I used a calculator) of the smoother gender disrupts everything by asking me if soaping your frame twice while taking a shower is bad for you. At which I answer that I will also soap twice whenever I take a shower, but only if I forget or am unclear on whether I actually ever soaped the first time; buy why in all the world are you asking me this, of all people?! I am fixing bugs. At which I later realize that it must be from all my complaining earlier this day about how just sitting for 25 minutes in a McDonald's restaurant in the dirtier region of the country will produce an incredible amount of facial grease even if you refuse to partake of any of the Happy or less happy meals, or even apparently fresher gas station food in form of a Subway sandwich (like XX::X/3 +/- 2 did). I of course, made my own sandwich in the morning and ate it in the van, it cost me nothing, and produced no facial grease in itself. I have yet to soap my face once today. Too busy fixing bugs... This is an excuse and an apology.
- I was distracted and forgot to include a correct path to my shadow-halo glow. I know I break all the conventions and rules of not adding things to fixes or at the last minute. That is one thing I am exceptionally good at; but I might learn to stop doing even that one of these days.
- Fixed bug where pioneers were unable to build improvements, or regular units appeared to be able to build improvements but just stood there.
- Removed obnoxious locks from units on city screen and replaced them with some (perhaps too discreet) shadow-halos.
- Did some more adjustments to try to get the AI to dare to settle next to gold mines etc.
- Also made the natives more productive at certain resources.
- Changed the color of the 'Prepare Trade Containers' Command 'action ring' to gold instead of blurpule, and removed the <T> hotkey, since that is already reserved for initiating the actual trade (except now I get terribly curious to see what actually would have happened if I used the hotkey with two different commands connected to it
- Made the 'No This Never Means War - Leave Us Alone!' the default player option. (Why oh, why my oh, would anyone ever want that turned on?!)
- Feature_River_Ford not Feature_Ford, who would have known... Surely Henry, Surely Gerald, Surely Peter Settman
- Slipped back to 99 Yields etc. for the time being.
- Returned to mostly core mod city screen style to reduce lag.
- Natives are more powerful.
- Caravels (historical) and fluyts (not sure if it is historical) can enter large rivers, but not get passed fords.
- The max amounts to be traded with natives can be adjusted before you initiate trade
- 'Does this mean war?' is a player option.
- Fixed the '9 plot start not being a 9 plot start' bug, and also made 9 plots the default option, since the AI couldn't handle 5 plots very well.
- Disabled the new movement system, for the same reasons.
- Peter Minuit gives 1 hardy pioneer.
- Exploration points are reduced further and education points increased, since the AI do not like to explore, but they do occasionally go to College.
- No suffocating horses from of too much cotton overflowing into the stalls.
- Natives cannot teach you how to become unique national units.
- Natives no longer demand guns and black powder, since it was no fun, and - or - but you will still get 125% profit from selling those and horses to them.
- The demanded good threshold is increased by 400% since it is fun to build up an industry based on what the neighbors might be coveting.
- Moved the buyable people waiting around on the water in Europe up to the street.
- Changed the Port Royal image to the one from the Tortuga mod. Not sure who is responsible for the graphic, but you are incredible! Great job!
- Is that it?! Get Happy! Be Thankful!
- Realized I did not have the profession to extract the trade goods or luxury goods from the foxes and birds, so I replaced Colored Wool Cloth with a Premium Fur/Wild Feathers combo yield and brought back trappers and bird hunters.
- Replaced Luxury Goods with Festive Clothes and restored the Tailor, since I realized that is something that could be tons of fun to produce, except Festive Clothes now also require some plumage/luxury pelt for extra added party feeling.
- Lowered building production costs significantly.
- Sprinkled some more yields in places that were getting perhaps too barren.
- Fixed the bug in the faire weather map script that caused too many features to be added compared to pre-made maps.
- Fixed the America Random Huge and Gigantic maps - none of the other pre-made maps will work unless you go into the file in notepad and manually remove any bonuses and improvements etc. that are not included in this limited version (a time-consuming thing full of guesswork).
- Fixed a lot of different, weird behaviors in the City-, Europe-, Africa- and Port Royal-screens.
- Fixed the inability of Construction Supplies to be placed in the hold.
- Fixed Troop Ships not being able to be filled completely with soldiers.
- People were getting a little too sick too quickly. You now need 3 population to start puking.
- Increased prices of produced goods by three riksdaler each.
- I think I lowered the amounts the natives ask for their door-to-door peddling to be the same as you would get if you were the one visiting them.
- Fixed a miss in the bell production amount in certain halls.
Previously unmentioned changes:
- Finally made it to Port Royal and realized the yield boxes were too high.
- Rebalanced Domestic Market Demands to be less extreme. We can't keep on running out of coffee like this.
- Rebalanced profession output per building level to be 2,4,6 instead of 3,6,6 (still with doubled values for experts, so 4,8,12)... in most cases.
- The firebrand preacher got a lot more crosses to bear. Seemed wrong that the Evangelist has a higher cross output in a chapel. I also keep on running out of immigrants.
- Village Halls etc. get their culture production back, so do some native altars and totem poles.
- Chapel and Churches get more culture.
- Made a better, more abstract mouse cursor.
- Clustered bonus placement is a game option. So you can have some really sweet spots, and some really barren ones.
- No, it never means war, ever! Press Alt + the name of your enemy in the scoreboard to declare war. This is the first thing I change... always. Unbearable otherwise.
- Reduced amounts of goods and respective buildings and experts etc. to 56 (from 99). Choices were made during severe dehydration, which might explain why I picked milk and fruit over premium fur and chicken. (In the future I will probably rotate a couple of yields per version, perhaps based on similar momentary desires and needs).
- Coffee cherries are grown on slopes instead of coca, and no longer on flatland.
- Some birds and furry creature bonuses are still in the game, but produce food, trade- or luxury goods.
- Clay is found a little here and there.
- Goats are sheep (and can be kept in many kinds of places). I thought I read it in the bible somewhere Labanwards; but could not find the reference to prove the fact.
- Harbor space feature is deactivated. Mostly because the game font has gone missing, but also because it is too inconsistent.
- A few of the founding fathers are adjusted, and some might not provide any tangible benefits. I will change as I stumble upon them in game.
- Moved treasures up in the city screen.
- Removed slave masters and hunters from the Africa screen and a couple of other places; but I think you can still stumble across them in the wild. Something about it caused an actual pain in the chest, which I can't quite explain, since I am really not that intense of an abolitionist (Vikings treated my foremothers indescribably - it appears - and so did their enthralling socialist progeny; yet I wouldn't really be who I am - if even alive at all - without that history; but by all means - give us liberty!)
- Mestizo and Mulatto got some more interesting skills.
Forgot to include the changed GlobalDefinesAlt file. I am not sure if v2.2.1 is save game compatible with v2.2. I have a feeling not. Humble apologies
- Smaller odds of raiding while withdrawing
- No Founding Father race is a game option
- Exploration Points have been divorced from Politics, and married to Education instead (which might have been a mistake, but feels liberating). Thinking if you learn more, then you might understand and explore more deeply the natural wonders you have discovered.
- Smaller health boost from promoting units (editable in globalDefinesAlt.xml)
- Different cargo boxes for different types of cargo
- Treasures actually take up three cargo slots in a visible way.
- Fixed 4-plot border expansion threshold bug, as in borders will expand later not immediately after building a chapel.
- Removed some culture from the Sophisticated trait
- Ships and transports can speak, slaves and criminals cannot.
- Treasures are 3 times less like likely to pop out of the goody huts and the chiefs' gift stacks (gets tiresome to lead them around), though they are worth a bit more when they do; also, high gold cash goodies are a bit higher as well.
- Most fathers give less ships and units if they give more than 1 of each. I really don't get the need for double doing things; but I am not much of a founding father person to begin with. Rule Britannia!?
- The Immigration weight for expert units is 10 times lower than normal until a shipment holding the yield of their liking shows up, at which the immigration weight becomes 20 times higher (or twice as high as the core mod value).
- Missionaries no longer profess by first consuming multiple installments of the eucharist; and they no longer have colonist as a possible profession, since sending your man of God halfway across the new continent just to realize he forgot to transform himself into a professed missionary, can cause any man to lose faith and just home go and preach to choirs. I am sure there is a reason why the colonist profession has to be an option, so let me know if you can think of it.
- Lowered some Slave and Slave Overseer values. Increased Expert Farmer value for food.
- Increased native production values, which gloriously enough also inspired them to found a few more initial villages.
- The FaireWeather mapscript produces more wetland hills and now also marsh hills. Removed the land percent map option. since it was buggy. Set land percent to be 48%... I believe.
- Yields that can be bought in Europe and sold in Africa for a profit have a golden tint to the price tags.
- Europe, Africa and Port Royal stock have been ported.
- City background has my Goscinny style graphics and more of the full length unit graphics instead of buttons. You will have to use the file from the last version if you can't stand it.
- Something went awry in Africa
- Changed the prices of trade goods to be the same everywhere (we want to sell these to the natives - do we not?)