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More Right Click Shortcuts 1

Tired of selecting caravan/great admiral destination cities from a list/menu? Wish you could move more than just aircraft via rebasing by right clicking on the target city?
Well, now you can!

This QoL mod introduces a few more shortcuts for unit commands for a smoother experience:
  • With a caravan selected, right click on a friendly city to conduct a "change home city mission"
  • With a great admiral selected, when in a friendly city right click on a friendly coastal city to conduct a "change port" mission
  • With any land unit near an airport, right click on an eligible tile to air rebase to it
Note that for the last two, if a unit can move there normally, a normal move will be prioritized so as to not end the turn instantly for that unit. While holding down right click, the movement indicator will also change to reflect how the unit will move to the target tile:
Spoiler sample gif :

This mod also includes the entirety of aircraft group commands ( as they both modify the same file, but of course do not have to be used if you don't want.

* save-game compatible
* Vox Populi 2.6+ (might work with earlier versions but haven't tested)
* Not compatible with other mods that modify Core Files/CoreLua/WorldView.lua - If there's any interest I can make a compatibility file for "Linked & Group Unit Movement for VP (EUI) v 3" but as linked movement currently doesn't fully work correctly have not done so by default
L. Vern
First release
Last update


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