Wonderful improvement upon what was honestly frustratingly bad gameplay.
I want to preface this by saying I am asking this from a place of ignorance on implimentation however it seems like you're trying to thread a fine line between appeasing two different sides with some of these updates. Is it possible to add a selector to the new game menu that can be a selection of options such as, "Warlike", "Hostile", "Neutral", "Friendly", "Overly Friendly".
This way you can appease those wanting a warlike experience and those wanting to simply have some of the improvements of an AI that does forward settle or simply has better attack logic in the off case there is a war. I appreciate the fact that this could dramatically increase the depth of complexity but it was a thought that I had this morning and figured I would share.
I will also keep an eye for for lack of attacks. I get a lot of feedback about multi front wars and attacks being good. It's useful for me to get counter feedback so I'm aware of what to look for. I just need as many details as you can provide.