RHQ Artificially Intelligent AI Mod

RHQ Artificially Intelligent AI Mod RHQ v2.05 (by AndyNemmity and RomanHoliday)

Reviews 4.76 star(s) 27 reviews

I noticed that the forward settling is more profound with your mod active this patch as the vanilla Ai at the moment. I only played 1 round with your mod and 3 rounds vanilla Ai, but the forward settling is definitely more aggresive with your mod.

Also, what happened in versions before: Enemies just don't attack and stand around idle, even though they could attack or finish someone off. It happens after a lot of turns in an age. I'm not sure if it is because of the mod, I felt like I didn't have it with the vanilla ai
Interesting, I have not received that feedback. I will run some more autoplays and see if I can catch it. Is it a particular civilization? Is it in a particular age? Can you tell me anything about your experience with Forward settling?

I will also keep an eye for for lack of attacks. I get a lot of feedback about multi front wars and attacks being good. It's useful for me to get counter feedback so I'm aware of what to look for. I just need as many details as you can provide.
AI seems better than base AI. Some feedback: It is more ready for war, at the moment though, on epic speed I see one war initiated by a civ per age. which is ok. Maybe it needs time to prepare for the subsequent wars, but the age ends before that.
City state ai that start as hostile tribe don't seem to attack I noticed but are defensive even when their units are out and about. Generally pretty much stomped by ai civs. Their Raid other ai mechanic seemed to not have the neighboring civs
Will take a look. I think the Raid other mechanic is a base game issue introduced in the last patch. I can't think of what has changed with anything I've done regarding city states, but I will take a look and see.
Super awesome mod. Can't play this game without it anymore!!

Anyway I have some questions.
- Is there a way to change the Civ selection biases for the AI to be more historically accurate (like disable this part of the mod or make it compatible with Baijen's Better Civ Biases)
- It's really hard to form an alliance with the AI since they're to aggressive and denounce me as soon as they met me. Is there any way to disable this part of the mod also?

Thanks again for this great mod!!
I mean, you can turn off the biases in the code in the mod. I don't have ways to turn on or off individual pieces of the mod. It's something to consider, but it makes things significantly more complex. We are already at a level of complexity it's difficult to do that. I have started the process though of splitting particular styles of changes into more files.

I can shut off the last part of that change, which makes it harder to form alliances. However there's the competing desire of many to have a lot of war. I can try to replace it with another style of impact that might thread the needle and make both type of players happy.

I will have to see.
awesome mod!

Update 2.03 reverts the files to upper case lettering, which Steam Deck doesn't recognize and gives Content Validation error.

Manually changing the names ought to work.

Great mod!
Wonderful improvement upon what was honestly frustratingly bad gameplay.
I want to preface this by saying I am asking this from a place of ignorance on implimentation however it seems like you're trying to thread a fine line between appeasing two different sides with some of these updates. Is it possible to add a selector to the new game menu that can be a selection of options such as, "Warlike", "Hostile", "Neutral", "Friendly", "Overly Friendly".
This way you can appease those wanting a warlike experience and those wanting to simply have some of the improvements of an AI that does forward settle or simply has better attack logic in the off case there is a war. I appreciate the fact that this could dramatically increase the depth of complexity but it was a thought that I had this morning and figured I would share.
The problem is as you mentioned complexity.

It is already extremely difficult. Small unsync’d differences can break it.

Two models just isn’t viable
  • beeo
  • 4.00 star(s)
  • Version: RHQ v2.02 (by AndyNemmity and RomanHoliday)
Improves the AI a lot but it seems nearly impossible to get good enough relationships to form alliances. Is there a way I can remove the part that does this?
I understand. I will release a new version when it's ready that makes adjustments to that based on feedback.
Thanks for this mod, I have to decrease difficulty from immortal as that becomes too difficult with how the AI operates the military.
  • Capa
  • 4.00 star(s)
  • Version: RHQ v2.02 (by AndyNemmity and RomanHoliday)
I like this mod, but how come the Friendly greeting doesn't give a +20 on your relationship with the AI? It feels like it is very hard to make friends with this mod.
It may be an over correction to give people war who asked for war.

I can simply and easily make it less punishing if that’s what people want
Broke my game. I cannot start a new game when I have this mod. It shows "Content Configuration Validation Failed" when I press start game.
Please provide me details. Do you have a copy of Artificially Intelligent already in your mods directory? You will need to remove it.
Already a night and day difference. Very excited to follow this in the future also!
Love the mod but since the newest update it dont work on my steam deck anymore, says content confirmation validation failed
Huh. Can you send me the modder.log and the database.log from your steam deck? They are in the logs directory at the same level as the mods directory
2.0 version is such a big upgrade! AI settles town way better, it uses generals and army like crazy (I got destroyed by it lmao) and reacts to player's action properly! Great job guys, keep at it and thank you for this!
Thank you, it feels great to deliver improvements, and be appreciated for the work. You are very kind.
love this
I like this mod and feel the AI puts up a better fight. Three things I am wondering about:

1. Is it possible to make the AI use naval units a little more or stop sending all of its land units on the water?
2. I was hoping the AI could use the Commanders a bit more.
3. The AI will be "Hostile" towards me, but will never proactively declare war on me, until I tell them to remove their troops from my border in which they will then attack. I don't know if this mod affects that, or if it is in the base game too.
1. Yes it is possible to make the AI use naval units more, it just hasn't been a focus yet. There are many things that don't work, and I'm just kind of prioritizing them as I go.
2. The AI is using commanders more in v.1.08 - but there were bug reports I couldn't replicate. so I removed that code until I get more time this weekend to work on it.
3. That is base game in v. 1.09 - My v. 1.08 is to attempt to change it into my control, but again with bug reports, i'm being cautious.
i noticed that sometimes the AI would just not create a settler. in my current gameplay inca is like 2/9 on a pretty much an empty continent. seems something is broken.
That's base game situation. I'm maxing settler creation. However in cases where an AI player has to create tons of defense to not die, their priorities are on surviving versus settling. This happens often in the new continent where there are only a couple AIs, and many aggressive Independent powers.
Thank you!
I like the ideas of this game a lot but my first deity experience was disappointing. Without this mod they settled in weird spots and even then staying way below their settlement limits.

So i started a game with this mod, now the ais settled 9/5, 6/5, 7/6,7/5 in reasonable locations. Probably using their happiness bonus to stay afloat. As a result they are competitive in evey department and my current game is very tense and enjoyable. Well done!
Finally, to stop the AI settling weirdly
Wow what a difference this makes. My first few games (without this mod) I found the AI behavior dishearteningly bad. There are still some issues (like the stuck army bug), but the AI plays so much better now!
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