Generates a map based on global tectonics. Maps are similar to a combination of Fractal, Small Continents, Archipelago, with added tectonic elements like mountain belts and rift zones. Works best on relatively large maps (Map size options are equivalent to Terra maps).
Custom options:
Plate Motion options will change the prominence of mountain belts and rifts. Faster plate motion means higher mountain ranges and deeper rifts.
Continents options will change the shape of of the continental land masses to have more or less lakes and inlets.
Land options will change amount of land on the map by decreasing the number of oceanic plates, whereas sea-level options change the height of the water rather than the amount of ocean.
Plates options change the number of tectonic plates used in map generation. More plates will cause smaller land masses and more intricate structures.
Update v3:
Better balance between land, sea and island chains, less predictable plate boundaries and much faster map generation.
Update v4:
Fixed multiplayer issues.
Added costal start locations option.
A (very) small part of the code is based on Small Continents Deluxe (v 100) by James Barrows.
Custom options:
Plate Motion options will change the prominence of mountain belts and rifts. Faster plate motion means higher mountain ranges and deeper rifts.
Continents options will change the shape of of the continental land masses to have more or less lakes and inlets.
Land options will change amount of land on the map by decreasing the number of oceanic plates, whereas sea-level options change the height of the water rather than the amount of ocean.
Plates options change the number of tectonic plates used in map generation. More plates will cause smaller land masses and more intricate structures.
Update v3:
Better balance between land, sea and island chains, less predictable plate boundaries and much faster map generation.
Update v4:
Fixed multiplayer issues.
Added costal start locations option.
A (very) small part of the code is based on Small Continents Deluxe (v 100) by James Barrows.