(courtesy z0wb13)
Lets you use the three unused leader trait combos!
version: FINAL
compatible: BTS_3.19: vanilla
compressed with 7-zip
host: mediafire
I loaded the 3 unused leader trait-combos:
meiji; japanese: industrious/philosophical (nationhood)
audenauer; german: creative/charismatic (theocracy)
constantine; roman: protective/organized (organized religion)
sid; minor nations: no traits, UU or UB. starts with all first tier techs. for multiplayer.
i have tried to maintain some game balance with regard to ai characteristics.
human players could handily abuse these features.
really just because i hadn't seen anything quite like this, and i wanted to try it.
all leaderheads and artwork belong to the CivGold5 project.
(courtesy z0wb13)
Lets you use the three unused leader trait combos!
version: FINAL
compatible: BTS_3.19: vanilla
compressed with 7-zip
host: mediafire
I loaded the 3 unused leader trait-combos:
meiji; japanese: industrious/philosophical (nationhood)
audenauer; german: creative/charismatic (theocracy)
constantine; roman: protective/organized (organized religion)
sid; minor nations: no traits, UU or UB. starts with all first tier techs. for multiplayer.
i have tried to maintain some game balance with regard to ai characteristics.
human players could handily abuse these features.
really just because i hadn't seen anything quite like this, and i wanted to try it.
all leaderheads and artwork belong to the CivGold5 project.