civ6modhelp modinfohelp modhelp

  1. R

    [R&F] [Civ 6] Can't get my Mods to work in MP, always Desyncing or getting stuck to Please Wait on bottom

    So at first we tried to play MP with 180 mods. It actually worked quite well first, but at around turn 60 it started to Desync with couple friends. So we decided to lower the mod count to around 50. Not that we only have less than 50 mods, it actually started to work worse than before. We can't...
  2. Kebnoa

    Loading and running a LUA script in a mod using Modbuddy

    Okay, So, I know this should be basic, but I can't seem to find the right set-up to run the lua in my mod. I have ModBuddy and FireTuner installed and working. I've created the MOD and it is installed (That is, I see it in Mods.sqlite with the appropriate information). I have added a lua file...
  3. M

    Custom Civ's District and Unit having errors

    I'm having trouble making my custom civ's district and units work. The Unique District is the "Ecole du Coeur" which replaces the Campus. It seems to have a problem with the adjacency yield. Like the Acropolis in the game, I want it to have +2 its yield (Science) from being adjacent to the City...
  4. H

    Completely new at modding, there is an error I cant figure out

    For the record I am completely new, as in started yesterday, with XML and ModBuddy and all of this. So bear with me. And if you find the solution to the error, if you can please explain why the error existed. Because I am so, so very confused I attached all of the .xmls not in a folder. The...
  5. lillzigge

    [Help] My Mod shows up but dosent show up

    Hello My Mod seems to be showing up in Civ 6 Additional Content but does not seem to be applied in the game. What Have i Done so Far? I have basically copied the .xml files from the Viking DLC that contained the Citystate information i needed and modified it to a simple citystate. Renamed it...
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