game feature

  1. V

    No turn-event-log? Missing! In earlier versions of civ! Add one.

    Event turn logs can be quite important in terms of at the very least, determining which player, AI-civ, or city state declared war FIRST. Just started a turn in 1752AD, without having had ONE war, nor even witnessed any of other civs... and a bit like in the chain reactions of a world-war...
  2. oSiyeza

    [GS] The most liked and disliked features of Civilization VI (Results)

    This is my best attempt to synthetize the results from the users of this forum, from the post available in: I created a new post, since this is not intended to be a place to submit more opinions for the...
  3. G

    Weather Effects

    Randomly generated on a random number of tiles for a random number of turns based on the actual biome of those tiles. Imagine, for example, a storm on a group of 5-6 grassland tiles, effecting tiles output and units. Rising the food output but dropping the production. It could create a marsh on...
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